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Aims & Scope more

Published since January 2016, the Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching is an academic journal dedicated to the dissemination of research in general areas of teaching, including teaching design, reflections on teaching, and communication in teaching; research in teaching expertise, e.g. teacher learning communities; and comprehensive research of such concepts as school culture and school innovation. Centered around the keywords of "school," "teaching" and "teaching expertise," our focus is work that synthesizes theory and practice to ultimately bring about positive changes in schools, lead teaching professionals to higher levels of expertise, and improve the quality of education.   The Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching focuses on sharing the findings of field-oriented research on ‘schools’ and ‘teaching’ to aid teachers in maximizing their expertise and achieving the ongoing development of their academic capacity.   The main focus of the journal is on the comprehensive improvement of education quality through the change of school system and qualitative improvement of teaching. Therefore, the journal publishes papers about research on teaching and school system, teaching expertise, roles of teachers, teachers’ learning community collaborating on design-implementation-reflection-communication of classes as a vehicle for achieving positive change in schools.   The Journal of Studies on Schools and Teaching features theoretical, experimental, technical, and action research papers on schools and teaching. Field teachers are encouraged to research and submit their paper to this journal as well as education researchers and education experts.

Editor-in-Chief more

Kim, Dongwon

(Cheongju National University of Education)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 1.77
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 1.19
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 2.009
  • Immediacy Index : 0.6

Current Issue : 2024, Vol.9, No.3 more

Digital Technology Related to Art Education Strategies for Elementary Teachers in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Focusing on Domestic Art Education Environment Characteristics and Analysis of Foreign Research -
Kim, Yeim | 2024, 9(3) | pp.1~14 | number of Cited : 0
Examining the Prospective Preservice Childcare Teachers’ Role Expectations and Their Knowledge Related to Their Profession
choo su jin | 2024, 9(3) | pp.15~35 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on the Teaching Experience by Changing the Subject from Technical Teacher to Physical Education Teacher
LeeEuiJae | 2024, 9(3) | pp.37~53 | number of Cited : 0

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