choo su jin
| 2024, 9(3)
| pp.15~35
| number of Cited : 0
The purpose of this study is to educate and support pre-service childcare teachers by examining the role expectations and expertise of childcare teachers. This study was conducted from October 12, 2023 to December 8, 2023, and the participants were 24 second-year collage students from Gyeonggi-do. As a frequency analysis method and that of qualitative research, we followed comprehensive analytic procedures based on pragmatic eclecticism suggested by Kim Young-cheon (2017). Based on the writing regarding childcare teacher’s role expectations, safety made up 17.6% > protection 14.7% > etiquette 8.8% > education, experience, and stability was found to be 5.9%, and in addition, observation, empathy, and Words such as mother, faith, example, waiting, parent, fun, play, milestone, and good teacher appeared. Analysis of words regarding childcare teacher for cultivating one's knowledge showed that play material production 29.6%>, qualification 22.2%>, club 14.8%>, daycare center visit, daycare center volunteer work 11.1%> and in addition, taking care of their younger cousins and Words such as virtual class appeared. The expectations of the prospective childcare teachers as to their role as childcare teachers were as follows. First, was teacher's role in creating a safe environment. Second, was the role of a guardian similar to a parent. Third, was the role of an educator, who provides diverse experiences. Fourth, was the role of the teacher is to serve as a mirror. The things that a prospective childcare teacher is expected to know are as follows. First, sincere learning and participation in the childcare teacher training at various educational institutions. Second, acquiring certifications for self-development. Third, getting experience at daycare centers. Fourth, it was found that students could experience the caring role of teachers by taking care of their younger cousins. The implications of this study are to explore the role expectations and profession of teachers, and to help develop teachers' expertise by providing programs that provide diverse experiences at training institutions.