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[ Tourism Sciences Society of Korea Research Ethics Guidelines ]


1. Purpose

The following code of conduct was established by the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (TOSOK henceforth) which oversees the Journal of Tourism Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Journal. The code of conduct acknowledges fundamentals and directions associated with responsibility and standards that construct ethical guidelines of this journal.

2. Publishing ethics and misconduct

The following listing outlines potential misconduct.

1) Data fabrication: This concerns the making up of research findings.

2) Data falsification: Manipulating research data/materials/procedures with the intention of giving false results (changing, adding or omitting data points, etc)

3) Plagiarism: Presenting the work of others (data, results, text) as if it was his/her own without proper acknowledgment.

4) Duplicate submission / publication: This refers to the practice of submitting the same study to multiple journals or publishing more or less the same study in multiple journals.

5) Authorship misconduct: This refers to removing authors despite significant contribution as well as including inappropriate co-authors. Authorship shall be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions shall be listed as co-authors.

6) Intentionally impeding investigation of misconduct and harming informants who reported misconduct.

7) Other deviant behaviors violating social norms and research ethical guidelines

3. Author responsibilities

In order to publish in this journal, authors shall comply with the following.

1) Authors shall comply with the research ethical guidelines at all times. As stipulated in the Article the manuscripts submitted to this journal shall not contain scientific dishonesty and fraud.

2) Authors shall present a concise and accurate report of their research. To contribute to advancing society and academia, research procedures/related materials/research outcomes shall be disclosed as long as confidential information is protected.

3) When the author uses his/her work that is already published, the author shall cite appropriately or obtain permission from the editor of the journal.

4. Sanctions for research misconduct

In case an author violates aforementioned publishing ethics or commits misconduct, the following sanctions will be imposed.

1) The manuscript in review will be rejected, and the author will be banned from submitting manuscript for at least three years. The author will be warned by the president of TOSOK.

2) If the manuscript was already published, it will be withdrawn from the journal. This incident will be posted on the TOSOK website for six months, and will be reported to the author’s institution.

3) For those who has failed to comply with the ethical guidelines, it is considered seriously violating the bylaws (Clause 2 of Article 12). As a result, his/her TOSOK membership will be expelled and will be banned from submitting manuscript to this journal at least for four years.

5. Forming and operating research ethics committee

The following stipulates procedures in regards to forming and operating research ethics committee.

1) The research ethics committee is composed of five persons: vice president, editor, and three persons recommended by the editor (and appointed by the president of TOSOK afterwards)

2) The research ethics committee can be convened if requested by the president of TOSOK or the chair of the committee.

3) When a research ethic committee meeting is called, all members of the committee shall be present. The agenda is approved with the majority of votes. The committee chair has the same right to vote.

6. All attendees of the research ethics committee shall maintain confidentiality of the issues addressed. The editorial board shall request the authors to submit “ethical statement.” In case the author fails to submit the statement, the manuscript will be rejected.

7. Other matters that are not expressed in this code of conduct shall adhere to the “Research Ethics Guideline” enacted by the Korean Ministry of Education (Directive No. 60)