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Information for Authors

[ Manuscript preparation ]


1. Qualifications for submission are limited to members of the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea. Co-authors other than members may be given the qualifications.

2. Manuscripts should be research papers, research notes, book reviews, and other articles related to the identification of tourism and leisure phenomena; provided that, the manuscripts of research papers should be in Korean. In this journal, the volume should be no more than 20 pages, including the cover page with an English abstract, and the number of pages of a paper should not exceed 4 pages based on the journal pages (24 pages in total). A Korean abstract and an English abstract must be submitted in the case of a research paper, and each should be limited to 15 lines in Hangul. The abstract shall briefly describe the purpose of the research, research method, analysis results, conclusions and implications.

3. Manuscripts should be submitted online (https://tosok.jams.or.kr) any time. The manuscripts must be prepared using the 󰏧󰏰 HWP (2007 recommended); provided that, the editing format set by this journal shall be observed. After the review, if the paper is judged to be “publishable” without the necessity of revision, the final revised manuscript file shall be submitted.

4. In the case of all research papers, all authors (co-authors, corresponding authors, etc.) must be entered in the author information field when the papers are submitted online for review. In case where the author information of a paper is changed later, an explanatory statement must be submitted and deliberated by the editorial committee.

5. When a research paper is published, the author information should indicate the affiliations and positions of all authors to ensure research ethics and reliability (in the case of minors, the final affiliation, position, and school year should be indicated). The editorial committee shall collect and manage author information (affiliation, position) of published papers.

6. Figures and tables should be prepared clearly so that they can be immediately used as plate making manuscripts, and the title should be written in English.

7. Contributors to this journal must write research papers with a creative attitude, and when writing a paper, they should use a paper similarity verification system (eg, copy killer, etc.) to make effort to prevent damage to the academic integrity of the paper in advance. The society's recommendation for similarity is 5% or lower.

8. Papers should be submitted using JAMS, an online paper submission system of the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the contributor must agree to the 'Contributor's Research Ethics Pledge' on JAMS when submitting the paper without fail. If this is not observed, the relevant person will be subject to sanctions determined by the Research Ethics Committee of this Society.


[ Style Guideline ]


1. A paper should take the form of introduction, body, and conclusion.

2. In the introduction, the question shall be raised and the purpose and scope of the study shall be stated, in the body, the problem raised in the introduction shall be analyzed and discussed. In the conclusion, summary, conclusions, and implications shall be stated.

3. Foreign languages should be written in Korean; provided that, when judged to be difficult to understand, the original language shall be written in parentheses to help the reader understand. Other than the foregoing, foreign languages ​​should not be written in the text or table. In addition, the first letter of a word in the foreign language in parentheses shall be written in a capital letter only in the case of proper nouns. E.g.) paradigm, parameter, Taylor

4. The chapter should be composed as follows.

     I. II. III.

     1. 2. 3.

     1) 2) 3)

     (1) (2) (3)

     () () ()


[ Format of figures and tables (chart) ]


1. Figures and tables shall be marked with serial numbers in the order they appear (e.g., refer to <Table 3> and <Figure 5>), and table numbers and titles shall be written above the tables while the numbers and titles of figures shall be written below the figures on the contrary. The basic units should be written at the top rightmost of the table.

2. When preparing a table, only black horizontal lines should be used. Vertical lines should not be used unless unavoidable. Line displays should be entered using 'Cell Border/Background-Apply to each cell' in the menu. The type of the top and bottom lines of the table should be single lines, and the thickness should be '0.4mm'; provided that, the middle division lines should be double lines and the thickness should be ‘0.5mm’. The thickness of other lines should be ‘0.12mm’.

3. When tables and figures are presented, the sources should be indicated without fail.


[ Citations and References ]


1. In the text, notes () and references to be cited should be indicated separately.

2. The references to be cited should be indicated by writing the author's name, year, and page number in parentheses, in principle. In particular, in cases where a book or paper has been ‘directly quoted’, even the concrete pages of the quoted book or paper should be specified without fail to avoid plagiarism; provided that, when the entire book or paper or facts in unspecified parts of the book or paper are ‘indirectly quoted’, only the author name and the year may be indicated.

3. When a book or paper is quoted for the first time in the body, the names of all authors and the year should be written, and thereafter, only the name of the representative author should be written and the remaining authors should be indicated as ‘et al.’.

4. When multiple documents of the same author are quoted, single author documents precede multiple author documents, and the same type of documents should be indicated in chronolgical order. When multiple authors are indicated in a sentence, they should be indicated with ‘and’, and when they are indicated in quotation mark ( ), they should be indicated with ‘&’.

5. In the case of the indication of foreign authors’ names, the pronunciations normally used to call the authors should be written in Korean in principle; provided that, in cases where the indication in Korean is more confusing or difficult, the names may be written in the original language.

6. Notes should be attached at the bottom of the relevant page and references should be attached at the end of the text..

7. The list of notes () should be written in parenthesis numbers in the order of serial numbers. Notes are used only in cases where the content of the body ‘should be explained’ more concretely with supplementation. The serial number shall be written on the right shoulder and the explanation shall be written at the bottom of the relevant page.

8. All references should be written in Roman characters to provide information to not only domestic readers but also foreign readers, and should follow the APA style (American Psychological Association Style); provided that, in the case of references in Korean or other foreign languages without author names or titles in English, the author names or titles may be written in Korean or in the relevant foreign languages. In the case of documents with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), the DOIs ​​should be indicated after the documents.


A. General Literiture


[Periodical journal: one author] Last name, first letter of first name. (year). Title of paper. title of the collection of papers, volume (no.), page-page. DOI

For each author, write only the last name fully and thereafter write the first letter of the first name in a capital letter and put a period. The English journal name and volume should be written in italics, and the first letter of the keywords should be written in a capital letter.

[Periodical journal: seven or more authors] Write the last name and the first letter of the first name up to six persons, or write the last name and the first letter of the first name of only the first person and indicate remaining authors as et al.

[Periodical journal on the Internet without DOI: one authr] Last name, first letter of first name. (Year month day). Title of paper. title of the collection of papers, volume (no.), page-page. Retrieved from DB (if any). Internet address


Example: Colvin, G. (2008, July 21). Information worth billions. Fortune, 158(2), 73-79. Retrieved from Business Source Complete, EBSCO. http://search.ebscohost.com


[Book: two authors] Last name(A), first letter of first name(A), & Last name, first letter of first name(B). (year). Book title (number of typesetting). Place of publication: Publisher.

• ※ For each author, write only the last name fully and thereafter write the first letter of the first name in a capital letter and put a period. Book names in English should be written in italics; provided that, only the first letter should be written in a capital letter; provided that, in the case of consecutive book names written after a colon (:), only the first letter after the colon (:) should be written in a capital letter.


Example: McIntosh, R. W., Goeldner, C. R., & Ritchie, J. R. (1995). Tourism: Principles, practices, philosophies (7th ed.). New York: Wiley.


[Book: two or more but not more than six authors] Last name, A (first letter of first name)., Last name, B., Last name, C., Last name, D., Last name, E., Last name, F., & Last name, G. (year). Book title (number of typesetting). Place of publication: Publisher.

[Book: seven or more authors] Write the first and last names of up to six authors or write the first and last names of only the first author and indicate remaining authors as et al.