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Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

1. Website

The URL address of the Jounal is https://tosok.jams.or.kr/co/main/jmMain.kci.


2. Name of Journal

The official name of the Journal is Journal of Tourism Sciences.


3. Peer Review Process

1) This journal operates a double-blind peer-review process, which means that the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and vice versa. All manuscripts, including those invited by the Editor, are subject to peer review.

2) All manuscripts will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal in terms of aim and scopes, adherence to the instructions for authors, and publication ethics.

3) If a manuscript does not fit the aims and scope of the Journal or does not adhere to the Instructions for Authors, it may be returned to the author immediately after receipt without a review. Authors also have to submit the results of similarity check powered by KCI((https://check.kci.go.kr/) with their manuscripts for the examination of plagiarism. Manuscripts that are above 5% of similarity by the inspection of the KCI will be returned to the authors as well.


Manuscripts deemed suitable are then typically sent to three independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the paper by the editor. Manuscripts are reviewed based on the following criteria.

Originality and creativity of the subject

Clarity of the organization and structure

Rigorousness of the research methods

Appropriateness and accuracy of citations

Contributions to the theory development and practical implications.


Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript and recommend one of the following: (1) Publish without a revision 2) publish with minor revisions, (2) publish after substantial revision, (4) reevaluate after substantial revision, or (5) do not publish.


The editor makes the final decision based on,

[publishable without a revision]

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable without a revision, C: publishable without a revision

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable without a revision, C: publishable with minor revisions

[publishable with minor revisions]

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable without a revision, C: publishable after substantial revision

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable without a revision, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: publishable with minor revisions

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: publishable after substantial revision

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: publishable with minor revisions

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: publishable after substantial revision

[publishable after substantial revision]

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: publishable after substantial revision

A: publishable without a revision, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: publishable with minor revisions, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: publishable after substantial revision

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable after substantial revision, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: publishable after substantial revision

[Not Publishable]

A: publishable without a revision, B: Not Publishable, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable with minor revisions, B: Not Publishable, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable after substantial revision, B: publishable after substantial revision, C: Not Publishable

A: publishable after substantial revision, B: Not Publishable, C: Not Publishable

A: Not Publishable, B: Not Publishable, C: Not Publishable

The editor is responsible for the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles based on the reviewers’ comments. The editor could ask for necessary revisions and/or editions from authors before final acceptance. The editor's decision is final. Authors will receive notification of the publication decision, along with copies of the reviews and instructions for revision.


4. Ownership and Management

The journal is owned by the publisher, the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea(TOSOK). http://www.tosok.org/


5. Editorial Committee or Steering Committee

1) Editor-in-Chief:

   Jin-Hyung Lee, Mokpo National University, Korea.

2) Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

   Sang-Hyun Han, Dongeui University, Korea.

   Kyu-Min Lee, Kyunghee University, Korea.

3) Board Members:

   Jae-Bin Cha, Kyungmin University, Korea.

   Seung-Mook Choi, Chungwoon University, Korea.

   In-Mook Choi, Kwangju Women's University, Korea.

   Jin-Moo Heo, Yonsei University, Korea.

   Doo-Hyun Hwang, Mokpo National University, Korea.

   Chul Jeong, Hanyang University, Korea.

   Soo-Hyun Jun, Keimyung University, Korea.

   Byung-Gook Kim, Daegu University, Korea.

   In-Sin Kim, Pusan National University, Korea.

   Kwon-Soo Kim, Induk University, Korea.

   Nam-Hyun Kim, Dongguk University, Korea.

   Sang-Hyuk Kim, Gachon University, Korea.

   Song-Yi Kim, Sangji University, Korea.

   Jang-Wook Kwon, Dongseo University, Korea.

   Joong-Won Lee, California State University, US.

   Seul-Ki Lee, Sejong University, Korea.

   Woo-Jin Lee, Arizona State University, US.

   Won-Seok Lee, Kyonggi University, Korea.

   Yoon-Jung Lee, Hoseo University, Korea.

   Bo-Young Min, Woosong University, Korea.

   Yoon-Jae Nam, Kyung Hee University, Korea.

   Yong-Kun Seo, Jeju University, Korea.

   Young-Min Song, Anyang University, Korea.

   Hee-Jeong Yun, Kangwon National University, Korea.


6. Editorial Committee / Contacts

[Contact Information]

Editor-in-Chief: Jin-Hyung Lee, Ph.D. Mokpo National University, Korea.

College of Business Administration, Youngsan-ro 1666, Muan, 58554, South Korea.

Tel: +82-61-450-2642

Fax: +82-61-450-6477

E-mail: jlee@mokpo.ac.kr


7. Copyright and Licensing

Copyright to all published materials is owned by the Journal of Tourism Sciences. All authors should agree to the copyright transfer during the submission process.


8. Author Fees

1) The journal does not charge for the initial review processing fee. However, in the case of a manuscript has been judged for publishable after substantial revision, 43 USD (50,000 KRW) should be paid as an additional review processing.

2) When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the page charge of 8.6 USD (10,000 KRW) must be paid in advance for publication processing fee.

3) An additional 8.6 USD (100,000 KRW) will be charged for an acknowledgment paper in which the purpose of publication is specified (eg, papers for which a research fund was given from the Korea Research Foundation, a government agency, a school, a certain organization, or Brain Korea 21, etc.).

4) When non-members are included as co-authors, additional 8.6 USD (100,000 KRW) per person will be charged for publication processing fee for the non-members.

5) In case where a lifetime member of the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea submitted a paper as the first author or the corresponding author, and the paper was judged to be published for the first time in the year, the paper is published free of charge.

6) Review and publication fees are not charged for research notes, invited original papers by the editor, and book reviews.


9. Process for Identification of and Dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct

1) When the Journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconducts such as data fabrication, data falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication, authorship misconduct, intentionally impeding investigation of misconduct harming informants who reported misconduct, and other deviant behaviors violating social norms and research ethical guidelines, Committee on Research and Publication Ethics will be composed of the next President of the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (chairmen of the committee), and the editor of Journal of Tourism Sciences(vice-chairmen)and three additional members of TOSOK who is recommended by the editor and appointed by the president of TOSOK. The committee will discuss the suspected cases and reach a decision.

2) In case an author violates publishing ethics or commits misconduct such as (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fabricated data, changing in authorship, undisclosed conflicts of interest, an ethical problem discovered with the submitted data, and other issues, the following sanctions will be imposed.

3) The manuscript in review will be rejected, and the author will be banned from submitting manuscript for at least three years. The author will be warned by the president of TOSOK.

4) If the manuscript was already published, it will be withdrawn from the journal. This incident will be posted on the TOSOK website for six months, and will be reported to the author’s institution.

5) For those who have failed to comply with the ethical guidelines, it is considered seriously violating the bylaws. As a result, his/her TOSOK membership will be expelled and will be banned from submitting the manuscript to this journal at least for four years.


10. Publication Ethics

[ Tourism Sciences Society of Korea Research Ethics Guidelines ]

1) Purpose

   The following code of conduct was established by the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (TOSOK henceforth) which oversees the Journal of Tourism Sciences. The code of conduct acknowledges fundamentals and directions associated with responsibility and standards that construct the ethical guidelines of this journal.

2) Publishing ethics and misconduct

The following listing outlines potential misconduct.

Data fabrication: This concerns the making up of research findings.

Data falsification: Manipulating research data/materials/procedures with the intention of giving false results (changing, adding or omitting data points, etc)

Plagiarism: Presenting the work of others (data, results, text) as if it was his/her own without proper acknowledgment.

Duplicate submission / publication: This refers to the practice of submitting the same study to multiple journals or publishing more or less the same study in multiple journals.

Authorship misconduct: This refers to removing authors despite significant contribution as well as including inappropriate co-authors. Authorship shall be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant contributions shall be listed as co-authors.

Intentionally impeding the investigation of misconduct and harming informants who reported misconduct.

Other deviant behaviors violating social norms and research ethical guidelines

3) Author responsibilities

In order to publish in this journal, authors shall comply with the following.

Authors shall comply with the research ethical guidelines at all times. As stipulated in the Article the manuscripts submitted to this journal shall not contain scientific dishonesty and fraud.

Authors shall present a concise and accurate report of their research. To contribute to advancing society and academia, research procedures/related materials/research outcomes shall be disclosed as long as confidential information is protected.

When the author uses his/her work that is already published, the author shall cite appropriately or obtain permission from the editor of the journal.

11. Publishing Schedule

Journal of Tourism Sciences is published eight times on the first day of every January, March, May, June, July, September, October, November.

12. Access

Journal of Tourism Sciences is freely accessible to the members of the Tourism Sciences Society of Korea(TOSOK) from http://www.tosok.org/journal/research.asp


13. Archiving

Full text of Journal of Tourism Sciences has been archived in the National Foundation of Korea (NRF) database. Author can archive publisher’s version/PDF. Journal of Tourism Sciences also sends two hard copies of each volume of the journal National Library of Korea (http://nl.go.kr).


14. Revenues Sources

Revenues source of the journal for administrative and print cost are from copyright fees of Korean Studies Information Service System, publication process charges levied to authors, and special grant for journal publication from National Research Foundation of Korea.


15. Advertising

Journal of Tourism Sciences does not accept any commercial advertisements until policy changes otherwise.


16. Direct Marketing

Journal of Tourism Sciences has done call for papers and publication announcement by the journal website and email newsletters.