아시아여성연구 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 1.2
pISSN : 1225-9241 / eISSN : 2671-7697
- https://journal.kci.go.kr/asianfem
pISSN : 1225-9241 / eISSN : 2671-7697
The Journal of Asian Women is a periodical journal whose first edition was issued in 1962. It publishes 7 to 10 articles in each issue contributing to gender equality in the field of women-related issues, feminism, and women's studies. It is on the list of registered academic journal certified by the Korea Research Foundation. It is published in Korean three times a year (April 30th, August 30th and December 30th) by the Research Institute of Asian Women, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea. There are two types of review: general review and urgent review, and the types of journal submissions are research paper, review article, book review, letter, brief report and editorial.