author={Jungnam Kim},
title={A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts},
journal={The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies },
AU - Jungnam Kim
TI - A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts
JO - The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies
PY - 2015
VL - null
IS - 27
PB - The Society For Chinese Cultural Studies
SP - 485
EP - 510
SN - 1598-8503
AB - 韓愈在『進學解』中早就透露了在讀『尚書』時很困難, 即‘周誥殷盤, 詰屈聱牙。’ 歷代認為『尚書』就是‘上古之書’。從傳說中的堯舜時代至東周秦穆公時期, 『尚書』保存了一千五百多年的史料。『尚書』中許多文句、詞彙, 跟秦漢時期古文不同。這在當時人看來是 『尚書』所記載的語言當然非常不容易讀懂, 必須通過註釋才能解釋。從漢代開始, 『尚書』成為一部政治哲學的經典。所以當時學者們爲理解『尚書』費了不少功夫。但是他們無法確認 『尚書』的原本, 還對其原意的考證也不太正確, 終於產生了不少的錯誤。目前,『尚書』仍有許多商榷之處。其實,漢代儒者見到的『尚書』文句已經多次轉寫, 但是儒者們對此沒有探討。漢代以後也對轉寫過程的研究不多, 不免於產生這種錯誤。『尚書』具有艱澀難讀的特點, 似乎也不足爲怪了。最近所發現的出土戰國『書』類文獻跟今傳本『尚書』很不相同。我們在二节中通過今本和簡文比勘, 可以確認兩種文本之間的出入。值得注意的是, 在出土戰國『書』類文獻中沒有‘詰屈聱牙’問題了。爲解決今傳本『尚書』的‘詰屈聱牙’問題, 首先我們需要認清楚什麼是‘詰屈聱牙’問題。這一問題不只限於異文或者通假問題, 也不只限於脫字、訛字問題。这一问题在传授过程中出现的,很可能是从汉代开始集中出现了。笔者在三节中对于『尚書』的‘詰屈聱牙’問題试加分別细论, 提出了‘詰屈聱牙’问题不仅屬於语言学方面, 而且也屬於文献学以及礼法方面的问题。具體地說, 因爲從戰國時代人的立場上說, 對西周早期禮法的理解很會不夠全面,所以在文獻傳授過程中, 書手在祖本的基礎上進行抄寫的時候, 難免會犯錯誤。又, 對同一現象的不同陳述不是語言方面的問題, 而是從不同寫本之間產生的問題。最后, 笔者强调‘詰屈聱牙’不是『尚書』的叙事特征, 而是传授过程中所发生的讹变或者错误。如果这些假设得到肯定, 我们可以深入准确地探讨 『尚書』的原始形态以及本义。
KW -
DO - 10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
ER -
Jungnam Kim. (2015). A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts. The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies , 27, 485-510.
Jungnam Kim. 2015, "A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts", The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies , no.27, pp.485-510. Available from: doi:10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim "A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts" The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies 27 pp.485-510 (2015) : 485.
Jungnam Kim. A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts. 2015; 27 : 485-510. Available from: doi:10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim. "A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts" The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies no.27(2015) : 485-510.doi: 10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim. A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts. The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies , 27, 485-510. doi: 10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim. A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts. The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies . 2015; 27 485-510. doi: 10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim. A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts. 2015; 27 : 485-510. Available from: doi:10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020
Jungnam Kim. "A Typological Study of the 『ShangShu』 “Full of difficult and unpronounceable words(詰屈聱牙)” based on the “qinghua bamboo slip 『JinTeng』”- Focusing on the Contrast of Unearthed and Transmitted Texts" The Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies no.27(2015) : 485-510.doi: 10.18212/cccs.2015..27.020