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The Effects of Conspicuous Consumption and Self-Presentation on Motivation to Share Brand on Social Networking Sites : The Mediating Role of Perceived Value

  • Journal of Communication Design
  • Abbr : JCD
  • 2020, 73(), pp.81-94
  • DOI : 10.25111/jcd.2020.73.06
  • Publisher : CDAK Society of Communication Design
  • Research Area : Arts and Kinesiology > Design > Visual Information Design > Information Design
  • Received : August 31, 2020
  • Accepted : October 26, 2020
  • Published : October 31, 2020

LEE, Sung-mi 1

1한신대학교 미디어영상광고홍보학부



Mentioning brands or products on Social Networking Sites (SNS) enables consumers to display an ideal self to others. Drawing on self-disclosure theory and conspicuous consumption literature, this study investigates the effects of self-presentation and conspicuous consumption on consumers’ motivation to share the brand on SNS. A total of 123 college students from university participated in the study. The sample represents students who voluntarily participated in answering a self-administered questionnaire. This study also explores the mediating role of self-expression value in the relationship between self-presentation and self-expression motivations. Further, this study investigates the mediating role of other-oriented value in the relationship between conspicuous consumption and socializing motivations. The results of this study confirmed the effects of self-presentation and conspicuous consumption on consumers’ motivation to share the brand on SNS. This study provides evidence indicating that the motivations of self-expression and socializing play primary role in leading consumers to share the brand. These findings have both theoretical and practical implications as they specify how to stimulate consumers to share brand-related contents on SNS.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.