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2013, Vol.6, No.2

Historical Background of Germany’s Two Big Parties in the Context of the Developmental History of German Civil Society
Ahn, Sam-Huan | 2013, 6(2) | pp.5~27 | number of Cited : 0
The Life and Death of Jews as Transnational Strangers: Comparative Textual Analyses of Nazi Concentration Camp Survivors
Choi, Yun-Young | 2013, 6(2) | pp.29~58 | number of Cited : 4
Hybrid Identity as Described in Bertolt Brecht’s Play In the Jungle of Cities
Goak JeangYean | 2013, 6(2) | pp.59~82 | number of Cited : 1
Comparison of Families in Modern Korea and Japan: From Aspect of Realization of Permanence
Sookja Moon | 2013, 6(2) | pp.83~113 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Japanese as Depicted in the Literature of Joseon Korean in the Last Period of Japanese Imperialism: Im Sun-Deuk and “A Godmother” (“Nazukeoya,” 1942)
HAM Chung Beom , CHOI GAHYUNG | 2013, 6(2) | pp.115~146 | number of Cited : 4
La Fontaine’s Fables as a Way of Life
JongIk Won | 2013, 6(2) | pp.147~170 | number of Cited : 0
Theory of Sensation as Theory of Body: Deleuze’s Answer to Spinoza’s Question: What Can Our Bodies Do?
Seong, Gihyeon | 2013, 6(2) | pp.171~198 | number of Cited : 11