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2023, Vol.13, No.2

A Study on information asymmetry in Chinese translations of Korean food recipe books
Kang, KyoungYi | 2023, 13(2) | pp.7~30 | number of Cited : 0
Quality assurance in outsourced institutional legal translation: A focus on tender specifications within Korean governmental entities.
Yoo, Jeong Ju | 2023, 13(2) | pp.31~64 | number of Cited : 0
Overcoming temporal barriers in audio description: A study of non-synchronic strategies in Netflix movies.
Sang-Bin Lee | 2023, 13(2) | pp.65~84 | number of Cited : 0
Translation analysis of commas in Japanese-Korean translation: Focusing on the novel “Kokoro” and translated books.
Eunjeong Jeon | 2023, 13(2) | pp.85~106 | number of Cited : 0
Exploring the possibility of a multilingual translation project for “Annals of the Joseon Dynasty” : Based on the paradigm of collaboration between human and machine translation.
Chun Hyunju | 2023, 13(2) | pp.107~132 | number of Cited : 0
Yim, Jin | 2023, 13(2) | pp.133~140 | number of Cited : 0