The trend of localization has invigorated various regional studies, encouraging to set up regional identity and to strengthen competitiveness. Regional study should be carefully considered a life of resident to find out their identity including history, natural environment, geographical conditions, culture, and traditions in each region.
Korean literature in classical chinese involved with regional study has played an important part. The ways of it, as regional study, can be organized as follows.
First, it should have abiding interests in ancient documents, because they contain lots of information related to the region.
Second, Do-Ji(道誌) and Up-Ji(邑誌) by civic unit, they are rudimentary materials to examine regional characteristics. To research a region, it’s essential that to discover, translate, and study of these materials.
Third, academic society researching local character-driven, can be a main agent to hold regular conference and publish. For this reason, academic society’s activity is a crucial issue. They also need to work for an education to learn the region, through a development for regional materials containing multiple aspects.
Forth, we should turn to the writings which are concentrated by writers staying their own hometown for whole life without any experience in the literary circles in the metropolis, or take up public office. And also, we should bring to our attention with female writers, and take never-ending research.
Fifth, regional study has covered the natural environment and geographical conditions. So, we should seek to perform comprehensive research on particular region and character, as a study of regional study.
Sixth, it also deals with subjects of regional culture and cultural assets. It means that it has some significance as a basic researchㅡthe development of materials on the culture and tourism. Therefore, these subjects should be seriously treated in korean literature in classical chinese.