The purpose of this study is to analyze contents of Facebook for U.S. non-profit organizations related to college drinking, in order to understand how and to what extent the non-profit organizations related to U.S. college students’ drinking have used Facebook to target and communicate with people to increase their engagements in the social media. Based on the analysis of a total of 153 posts in the top five Facebook pages of U.S.
non-profit organizations for a one year period in the area of college drinking, two types of interactivity were examined: interactive feature and message type. The results showed that the most common interactive feature the posts used was photo or image sharing (92.2%). In terms of message type, about 50% of the posts contained a message regarding calls for involvement, and threat appeal was used most. Moreover, some relationships between interactive feature/ message type and engagement were found. Results indicate that non-profit organizations related to college drinking have not utilized Facebook’s interactive features and messages effectively to attract U.S. college students to engage in their Facebook pages.