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Analysis of Differences in Persuasive Effects According to Message Sidedness and Characteristics of Receivers: Focusing on the Issue of Milk Intake

  • Health Communication Research
  • 2024, 23(1), pp.105-159
  • DOI : 10.24172/hcr.2024.23.1.105
  • Publisher : Korea Health Communication Association
  • Research Area : Social Science > Journalism and Broadcasting > Communication
  • Received : February 18, 2024
  • Accepted : April 18, 2024
  • Published : April 30, 2024


1숙명여자대학교 인문학 연구소



Although milk is a cost-effective food that allows you to easily consume various nutrients including calcium, some people are reluctant to consume milk due to misunderstandings and prejudices toward milk. In such situations, this study empirically explored the impact of message sidedness(one-sidedness message vs refutational two-sided message) and receiver’s individual characteristics such as ‘need for cognition’, ‘involvement’ on persuasive effects in order to examine what effective communication strategies are needed. The study results are as follows: First, unlike the results of previous studies, the persuasive effect of a one-sided message was found to be greater than that of a two-sided message when it came to the milk issue. Second, a mediated effect which found in those one-sided messages increased more message credibility about persuasive message compared to two-sided messages, and this message credibility had a positive effect on attitudes toward milk. Lastly, the mediated relationship between message sidedness and attitude toward milk through message credibility was moderated by involvement. Based on these results, the theoretical implications of message sidedness on persuasion effects and communication strategies to increase milk intake were discussed.

Citation status

* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.