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/ Leprosy and Citizenship
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/ Sorokto 80 nyôn sa.
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/ 1947
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Stanley Stein
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/ 1946
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/ 1946
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/ 1946
/ Subject: Combining Takase Farm, Yosu and Sorokdo Colonies
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/ 1946
/ Memorandum HQ USAMGIK – 4 June 1946 SUBJECT: Public Health Activities in Korea, September 1945 – May 1946
/ File #4: Public Health and Welfare – Misc. Food & Drug Material and Ordinance Materials. Box 19. USAFIK XXIV Corps, G – 2, Historical Section. Records of General HQ, Far East Command, Supreme Commander Allied Powers, and United Nations Command. RG554. National Archive Building. College Park, MD
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/ 1914
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/ Without the Camp: The Quarterly Magazine of the Mission to Lepers
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/ 1923
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/ B H357.Vol.2., p.866. Victor Heiser Papers. American Philosophical Society
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/ 2010
/ The 1920 Severance Dept. of Leprosy Plan and the Leprosy Relief work of American Presbyterian (North) Mission in Korea
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Victor Geog.Heiser
/ 1914
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/ B H357p. Victor Heiser Papers. American Philosophical Society
/ 2004
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Robert M. Wilson
/ Leprosy Control in Korea. Statistics and Articles. (1946~1947)
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Robert M. Wilson
/ Wilson Family Collection
Robert M. Wilson
/ Memo. (untitled) No.9. Statistics and Articles. (1946~1947)
/ Wilson Family Collection
Robert M.Wilson
/ 1946
/ Letter. Seoul.
/ Wilson Family Collection
Robert M. Wilson
/ Wilson Family Collection
Robert M.Wilson
/ 1947
/ Letter. Sunch’ôn
/ Wilson Family Collection