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2020, Vol., No.32

A Exploratory Study on Relationships Between Policy of Filial Piety(HYO) Behavior Encouragement and Aid And Social Welfare Policy for Elder
Won-Hong Min | 2020, (32) | pp.1~21 | number of Cited : 3
Analysis of the contents of personality education presented in the Korean language curriculum of middle school
Jeon Myong-sun | 2020, (32) | pp.23~49 | number of Cited : 1
Effects of the Family Support, School Life Adjustment, and Life Satisfaction of the Multicultural Youth on the Motivation of Accomplishment
Youn, Hyeng Duck , Im, Jun , Kim, Tae Keun | 2020, (32) | pp.51~75 | number of Cited : 5
Exploring the direction of HYO cultural education in Korean :language education Focusing on the international standard Korean curriculum
kim Ji An | 2020, (32) | pp.77~102 | number of Cited : 2