The aim of this report is to establish through the analysis of New Year speeches the possibility of further change in North Korea by looking at how much change there has been in the relationship between South and North Korean during the process of transformation after the Post Cold War era and how much change there has been in the North Korea perspective of South Korea as the Cold War era turned into the Post Cold War era.
By piecing together the research results, it is apparent that a negative relationship is continuously increasing and that this is irrelevant to any change (positive or negative) in recognition.
Irrelevant to any development of recognition(positive/negative) negative relationship is taking place.
It is also apparent that during the Post Cold War era there was an inverse association between a negative relationship and positive recognition with changes in one being correlated with opposite changes in the other.
Compared with the Cold War area, an especially distinctive feature of the Post Cold War era was that not only did positive recognition and positive relationship grow, but also negative recognition and negative relationship considerably increased This shows that North Korea has continuously tried to adopt an offensive doctrine towards South Korea while they were building a positive recognition and relationship with South Korea. In the Cold war era, the positive relationship grew as the positive recognition increased, but during the Post Cold War era it decreased, and the connection between the negative recognition/negative relationship was such that, if recognition increased, then this was followed by an increase of the other, and the gap between them widened ( the Cold war 0.114 --> the Post Cold war 0.303).
During the cold war era, positive recognition and positive relationship were linked. It was thought that during the post cold War era the negative relationship would be less than during the Cold war era, but, contrary to common sense, it has actually greatly increased (the Cold war 0.93 --> the Post war era 4.1).
These findings appear to demonstrate the duplicity of North Korea.” Attach this sentence to the end of the previous paragraph. Start a new paragraph as follows;“Our research project was based on the hypothesis that there will be differences between the Cold War and post Cold War eras in North Korea’s recognition of South Korea and the relationship with each other.
The analysis of our data showed that, while there was no difference in positive and negative recognition between the Cold War and the post Cold War eras, there was a difference in positive/negative relationships between the two eras. Interrelationship analysis of recognition and relationship was performed, focusing on positive/negative recognition change and negative relationship. In both the Cold War and Post Cold War eras, an increase in negative recognition was followed by an increase in negative relationship. Overall, positive /negative recognition and positive/negative relationship have increased over the Post Cold War era compared with the Cold War era.