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2014, Vol.20, No.2

Status Quo of Evidence-Based Design Research and Its Research Trends in Korean Healthcare Architecture
Kim Duk-Su , Kwun Joon Bum | 2014, 20(2) | pp.7~16 | number of Cited : 2
Background and Facility Characteristics of Service Attached Elderly Housing in Japan
Kwon, Soon-Jung , Ji, Junhwan | 2014, 20(2) | pp.17~26 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on Universal Design Critical Factors of the Urban Railway Station
강병근 , LEE, Joo Hyung , Kim, Sang-Woon and 2 other persons | 2014, 20(2) | pp.27~35 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Environment-friendliness in the Chungnam Regional Public Hospitals - Focused on the Sustainable Site and Transportation
Yeonghwan Lim | 2014, 20(2) | pp.37~45 | number of Cited : 0