The following study aims to review the use possibility of old literatures, 『Haedong- myeongsinrok』․『Haedongmyeongjangjeon』․『Daedongjanggo』․ 『Munheonpyeongo』․『Jeongodaebang』 in which renowned generals on the five books are compared each other and will quest for it’s function as objective data for general selection of the day.
The editors and editorial time of the five books are as follows : 『Haedon- gmyeongsinrok』(Kim Yuk, 1651)․『Haedongmyeongjangjeon』(Hong Yangho, 1794)․ 『Daedongjanggo』(Hong Gyeongmo, ca.1821)․『Munheonpyeongo』(Lee Janghun, 1923)․『Jeongodaebang』(Kang Hyoseok, 1924), each book contains respectively 29․24․21․19․18 figures and the number of the figures actually is 49, as some are repeatedly mentioned in the books.
The people, whom all five books include, are Choe Yundeok․Yi Sunsin․Gwon Yul․ Gwak Jaeu․Jeong Chungsin, and Yim Gyeongeop․Jeong Bongsu․Yu Rim can be founded in 4 books, whereas Eo Yuso․Heo Jong․Yi Jongsaeng․Byeon Hyeop․Kim Yeomyul․Yi Jeongam․Kim Deokryeong․kim Eungha are mentioned in 3 books. 18 figures including Yi Jiran can be founded in 2 literatures, while 17 person like Yi Jongmu are to read in just 1 book.
It shows that a general, who distinguished himself in the war between Chosun-Japan war(1592∼1598)․Chosun-China war(1627․1636) and made wide fame, get mentioned more, as the commander, who fought in a small and regional battle, described relatively less.
The five books are to divide in two part according to editor’s disposition and composition of figure. 『Haedongmyeongsinrok』․『Munheonpyeongo』․ 『jeongodaebang』 can be categorized as Seoin-Noron group(political faction), while 『Haedongmyeongi-angjeon』․『Daedongjanggo』 as Soron-Namin group(political faction).
Two categories as per political coloring is to verify in 4 points :a) 『Munheonpyeongo』․『Jeongodaebang』 handle the almost same figures, as same are 『Haedongmyeongjangjeon』, 『Daedongjanggo』.
b)『Jeongodaebang』, which reflect the political position of Seoin-Noron, includes an article about 12 literati purges(sahwa).
c)Hong Yangho, Hong Gyeongmo, the editors of 『Haedongmyeongjangjeon』, 『Daedong-gjanggo』 are grandfather and grandson and as high level government officials they were representative ideologue of Soron in Jeongjo·Sunjo periods.
d)『Haedongmyeongjangjeon』․『Daedongjanggo』 handle Hyujeong․Ujeong․Yeongkyu, who as buddhist monk fought against japan, while they are not mentioned in 『Haedongmyeongsinrok』·『Munheonpyeongo』· 『Jeongodaebang』 probably reflecting the political group of Noron, which carry for the dogmatic and exclucive nature of Cheng-Zhu school(Neo–Confucianism).
It is interesting to find that the books - with the same political faction-like 『Haedongmyeo- ngsinrok』·『Munheonpyeongo』·『Jeongodaebang』are more deviable in figure composition(70% in deviation) than the books with the different political direction(50%). Awareness of times as the criteria of the figure selection plays more decisive role than political and academic tendency.
To conclude, it does not make any meaning to study the similarity and objectivity of the figure list in 5 books because of the 50∼70% deviation in person composition. It confirms that the literatures about renowned generals of all time are historical text reflecting the spirit of the times. It is the task of the military historian of the day to select the renowned generals in Chosun era based on systematic and comprehensive discuss.
It shows that a general, who distinguished himself in the war betweenChosun-Japan war(1592∼1598)․Chosun-China war(1627․1636) and madewide fame, get mentioned more, as the commander, who fought in asmall and regional battle, described relatively less.
The five books are to divide in two part according to editor’s disposition andcomposition of figure. Haedongmyeongsinrok ․ Munheonpyeongo ․ jeongodaebang can be categorized as Seoin-Noron group(politicalfaction), while Haedongmyeongi-angjeon ․ Daedongjanggo as Soron-Namingroup(political faction).
Two categories as per political coloring is to verify in 4 points :a) Munheonpyeongo ․ Jeongodaebang handle the almost same figures, as same are Haedongmyeongjangjeon , Daedongjanggo .
b)『Jeongodaebang』, which reflect the political position of Seoin-Noron,includes an article about 12 literati purges(sahwa).
c) Hong Yangho, Hong Gyeongmo, the editors of Haedongmyeongjangjeon , Daedong-gjanggo are grandfather and grandson and as high levelgovernment officials they were representative ideologue of Soron inJeongjo·Sunjo periods.
d) Haedongmyeongjangjeon ․ Daedongjanggo handle Hyujeong ․Ujeong ․ Yeongkyu, who as buddhist monk fought against japan, whilethey are not mentioned in Haedongmyeongsinrok · Munheonpyeongo · Jeongodaebang probably reflecting the political group of Noron, whichcarry for the dogmatic and exclucive nature of Cheng-Zhu school(Neo–Confucianism).
It is interesting to find that the books - with the same political faction-like Haedongmyeo- ngsinrok · Munheonpyeongo · Jeongodaebang aremore deviable in figure composition(70% in deviation) than the bookswith the different political direction(50%). Awareness of times as thecriteria of the figure selection plays more decisive role than politicaland academic tendency.
To conclude, it does not make any meaning to study the similarityand objectivity of the figure list in 5 books because of the 50∼70% deviationin person composition. It confirms that the literatures about renownedgenerals of all time are historical text reflecting the spirit of the times. It is the task of the military historian of the day to select the renownedgenerals in Chosun era based on systematic and comprehensive discuss.The following study aims to review the use possibility of old literatures, Haedong- myeongsinrok ․ Haedongmyeongjangjeon ․ Daedongjanggo ․ Munheonpyeongo ․ Jeongodaebang in which renowned generals onthe five books are compared each other and will quest for it’s functionas objective data for general selection of the day.
The editors and editorial time of the five books are as follows : Haedongmyeongsinrok(Kim Yuk, 1651) ․ Haedongmyeongjangjeon (Hong Yangho, 1794) ․ Daedongjanggo (Hong Gyeongmo, ca.1821) ․ Munheonpyeongo (Lee Janghun,1923) ․ Jeongodaebang (Kang Hyoseok, 1924), each book contains respectively29․24․21 ․19․18 figures and the number of the figures actually is 49, as someare repeatedly mentioned in the books.
The people, whom all five books include, are Choe Yundeok․Yi Sunsin․Gwon Yul ․Gwak Jaeu ․ Jeong Chungsin, and Yim Gyeongeop ․ Jeong Bongsu ․ Yu Rimcan be founded in 4 books, whereas Eo Yuso ․Heo Jong ․Yi Jongsaeng ․ByeonHyeop ․ Kim Yeomyul ․ Yi Jeongam․ Kim Deokryeong ․ kim Eungha arementioned in 3 books. 18 figures including Yi Jiran can be founded in2 literatures, while 17 person like Yi Jongmu are to read in just 1 book.
It shows that a general, who distinguished himself in the war betweenChosun-Japan war(1592∼1598)․Chosun-China war(1627․1636) and madewide fame, get mentioned more, as the commander, who fought in asmall and regional battle, described relatively less.
The five books are to divide in two part according to editor’s disposition andcomposition of figure. Haedongmyeongsinrok ․ Munheonpyeongo ․ jeongodaebang can be categorized as Seoin-Noron group(politicalfaction), while Haedongmyeongi-angjeon ․ Daedongjanggo as Soron-Namingroup(political faction).
Two categories as per political coloring is to verify in 4 points :a) Munheonpyeongo ․ Jeongodaebang handle the almost same figures, as same are Haedongmyeongjangjeon , Daedongjanggo .
b)『Jeongodaebang』, which reflect the political position of Seoin-Noron,includes an article about 12 literati purges(sahwa).
c) Hong Yangho, Hong Gyeongmo, the editors of Haedongmyeongjangjeon , Daedong-gjanggo are grandfather and grandson and as high levelgovernment officials they were representative ideologue of Soron inJeongjo·Sunjo periods.
d) Haedongmyeongjangjeon ․ Daedongjanggo handle Hyujeong ․Ujeong ․ Yeongkyu, who as buddhist monk fought against japan, whilethey are not mentioned in Haedongmyeongsinrok · Munheonpyeongo · Jeongodaebang probably reflecting the political group of Noron, whichcarry for the dogmatic and exclucive nature of Cheng-Zhu school(Neo–Confucianism).
It is interesting to find that the books - with the same political faction-like Haedongmyeo- ngsinrok · Munheonpyeongo · Jeongodaebang aremore deviable in figure composition(70% in deviation) than the bookswith the different political direction(50%). Awareness of times as thecriteria of the figure selection plays more decisive role than politicaland academic tendency.
To conclude, it does not make any meaning to study the similarityand objectivity of the figure list in 5 books because of the 50∼70% deviationin person composition. It confirms that the literatures about renownedgenerals of all time are historical text reflecting the spirit of the times. It is the task of the military historian of the day to select the renownedgenerals in Chosun era based on systematic and comprehensive discuss.