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A studyontheBenaeFortress(非惱城)Battle – A WarbetweenGungye(弓裔)andYanggil(梁吉)-

Jeong, seong-kwon 1




Thispaperinvestigatesa warbetween Gungyeand Yanggil.They were powerfulclansattheendoftheUnifiedSillaperiod. When Gungye was born into a royalfamily but due to the power struggle,healmostdied.Hespenthischildhood in theTemple.When he grew up,hewentto Gihwon who wasoneofthepowerfulclansatthe Jukju area.Although Gungye joined with his supporters to Gihwon,he didn’ttreatedthem well.Gungyeletdown andayearlaterheleftGihwon and wenta powerfulYanggilclan in Wonju.From this point,Gungye marched on carrying everything before them. Yanggilbecame a strong supporter. In 895,GungyeenteredMyoungju with 600soldiers.A yearlaterheleft Myoungju with 3,500 soldiers.In Myoungju he called himselfa general. From thistime,GungyeandYanggilgotintotrouble. AfterGungye leftMyoungju,his group became bigger.AtlastYanggil began to attack Gungye from 898.Finally,in 890 Gungye and Yanggil armieswerereadytofightadecisivebattle.Thisbattlewasfoughtatthe Benaefortress. Untilrecently therehavebeen many opinionsaboutthelocation ofthe Benae fortress.Recentresearch shows thatthe Benae fortress is Jukju mountainfortress. Thispaperprovesthespecificlocation oftheBenaefortressbattlefield. Accordingtothehistoricalrecord,theBenaefortressbattlewasfoughtout side ofthe Benae fortress.This paper explains thatthe battelfield is Gisolrithatis8km westoftheBenaefortress This paperalso finds thatthe natives strongly supported the Gungye army.The natives ofJukju had strong relationship with Gungye army. ThispapershowsthatsomeoftheGungyearmyGrandfather’shometown was Jukju.This kind ofblood relationship really worked when Goungye armyfoughtwithYanggilarmy. Notonlythesekindofreason butalsoculturalassetsshow thatGisolri was the Benae fortress battle field.In Gisolrithere is a stone Buddha statue.This stone Buddha statue is related to a folktale aboutGungye. Many scholarsagreethatthefolktalesaboutGungyereflectthehistorical facts. This paper presumes that Gisolristone Buddha statue was built in commemoration ofGungye’svictory in theBenaefortressbattle.Afterthe Benaefortressbattle,GungyecouldcontrolthecentralpartoftheKorean peninsula.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.