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2012, Vol., No.83

A studyontheprocessofNKPA'sCombatTrainingUsingthe CombatManualfrom theSovietUnionbeforetheKoreanWar
Sungjin Jang | 2012, (83) | pp.1~33 | number of Cited : 5
A studyontheBackgroundofGPB EstablishmentwithinNKPA -WithaFocusonNK-PRC ConflictduringKoreanWar-
Lee Sin Jae | 2012, (83) | pp.35~66 | number of Cited : 10
WasItImpossiblefortheKoreanWartoBeCompletedEarlier? -TrialandBreakdownofthePeaceMediation-
Gye-Dong kim | 2012, (83) | pp.67~104 | number of Cited : 4
A studyontheChangeoftheRoleofU.S.Tactical NuclearWeaponsintheKoreanPeninsulaaccordingto U.S.CognitionofThreatsinNorth-EastAsia
정경두 | 2012, (83) | pp.105~130 | number of Cited : 11
A ResearchinWarHistoryontheUseofthe AsymmetricForce
장용운 | 2012, (83) | pp.131~161 | number of Cited : 0
A Review ontheNatureofGoguryo’sThreeFortresses aroundtheImjinRiverBasin
권순진 | 2012, (83) | pp.163~196 | number of Cited : 5
A studyontheBenaeFortress(非惱城)Battle – A WarbetweenGungye(弓裔)andYanggil(梁吉)-
Jeong, seong-kwon | 2012, (83) | pp.197~220 | number of Cited : 13
TheIssueofSoldierRepatriationandtheMilitary DiplomacybetweenJoseonandMingduringtheEarly JoseonPeriod
KyeoungLok Kim | 2012, (83) | pp.221~258 | number of Cited : 12
Kim Bong Gon | 2012, (83) | pp.259~286 | number of Cited : 3