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Kim Bong Gon 1




Honam region,uponenteringthe19thcentury,notunliketherestofthe country was faced with serious corruption within the military administration. The degradation of officialdiscipline and the crumbling caste system led to a great number of people gaining immunity from conscription which resultedin increasedburdensupon thepoortopayoff their conscription duties. Pervasive laxity among military administration officialswasconstantlypointedoutbyroyalundercoveragentsofthetime withdemandsforimprovement. With the Imsulinsurrection in 1862,Nohsa scholarfaction proposed a series of military reform measures. They proposed suggest a realistic re-evaluation of the required military force with the household tax regardless ofstatus and bringing up elite troops,lestmilitary strength shouldweaken.Nohsascholarfaction'smilitaryreform measuresledtoKi JeongJin'sinsistenceon across-the-boardmilitaryreformsdirectedagainst theFrench invasion of1866.KiJungJin stressedthatYang-bansaswell ascommonersshouldbeenlistedandarmedwith bow andarrow. Kialso would havetheheadsofhousehold in each villagelead thevillagersand protect their own districts. In order to counter the fast loading short cannonsoftheWest,Kisuggestedcannonsalongwithbowsandarrowsbe producedatthemilitarycampsitein each provinceanddistributedtothe countydepot.Also,Kiwouldhaveeven civilianscarryweaponsandlearn to use them. This would strengthen the military which then would incorporateinterception tacticsusingtopographicknowledgeoftheregion. KiJeong Jin's county scale defense strategy had been the resultofthe close analysis of the volunteer fighters'actions in the Honam regio againsttheJapaneseinvaders. KiJeongJin'sstrategicplansweretolaytheideologicalgroundwork for KiWu Man,whomusteredthemilitaryforcesoftheNaju areatocounter the Japanese in 1896.This tradition would continue through Ko Gwang Sun and KiSam Yeon,during thelastdaysoftheDaehan Empire,who organized volunteerfightersregardlessofclassand status,whilebringing up professionalsoldiers and artillerymen to engage in guerrilla warfare againsttheoccupyingJapaneseforces.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.

This paper was written with support from the National Research Foundation of Korea.