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JapaneseForces'DefenseSystem & FortressinBusan duringtheJapaneseColonialperiod

kim yun mi 1




TherestillexistsomemilitaryremainsbuiltduringtheJapanesecolonial period in Busan,such as the Japanesemilitary postatGadeok-do,and Jangjadeung artillery unitatYongho-dong,etc.This is to look into the changes and processes offortress construction in Busan from the 1900s untilthe1940s. It was at the beginning of the construction of their stronghold at Gadeok-do in preparation for the 1904 Russo-Japanese War thatJapan perceivedBusanastheirpropermilitaryfoothold.Sincethen,Japansetup theJinhaeBayareaincludingGadeok-doandGeoje-doin December,1907. Jinhae Bay was incorporated into the Japanese navy zone while the Japanese army planned the fortress construction by binding Jinhae-Tusushima-Sasebo together through the setup of ‘Joseon Straits System.’It was after World War One and the Washington Conference on DisarmamentthatBusan was completely included as a fortified zone.In 1922,construction of‘Joseon StraitsFortified System'wasplanned asthe oneforthesea,landandairdefense. In 1924,Jinhae fortress was setup with Jinhae Bay as Zone 1 and Busan asZone2.Such a seriesofstrategieswereaimed atpreparing a defenseshieldwhichwouldmakeimpossibletheaccessoftheenemyfleet. However, Japan made arrangements for the defense against the command of the sea in some degree, whereas preparations for the commandoftheairwasslight. They commented on the importance ofthe antiaircraftdefense in th 1920s,butitwasn'tuntilthelate1930sthattheairdefensestrategywas putintoamilitaryoperation. Immediately after the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, the Japanese governmentissued an orderof‘CombatReadinessfortheAirDefense'to the fortress ofJinhae Bay,and expanded Jinhae Bay in October.They organizedanew artilleryunitatGijang,Young-do,andGeoje-doincluding theJangjadeugartilleryunit.In 1940,whileputtingthemostemphasison the airdefense,they planned to establish ‘Busan Fortified Headquarters',andswitcheditsnameto‘BusanFortifiedHeadquarters'afterrelocatingthe Jinhae Fortified Headquarters to Busan. However, such air defense installationsfailedtodefendthemselvesagainsttheUSB-29airraidwhich kickedintohighgearin1944. TheJapaneseforcesswitched tostraitsblockadeforcontrolofthesea from securingsearoutesofvesselswhileswitchingtocontroloftheairfor thedefenseagainstabomber,oran air-defense-centered system from the defense againsta submarine.As Busan was gradually expanded in its scope ofa military zone,artillery units had to be deployed atthe key areasinBusan.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.