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TheAnalysisontheDecisiveFactorsoftheStrategyforthe CommunistChinatoEndtheWarduringtheKoreanWar

최북진 1

1대전대학교 군사학과



Thisarticleaimstoanalyzethedecisivefactorsofthestrategy to end thewarfortheCommunistChinaduringtheKoreanWar(1950-1953). The Korean War was the most difficult and potentially the most disastrousoftheearlyCold Warperiod,a conflictwhich directlyinvolved one ofsuperpowers in open war with the mostpopulous state in the world.The othersuperpowerwas only indirectly involved butthere was always the possibility thatitmightintervene; a third world war could erupt. TheChineseCommunistForces(CCF)had entered warin Korea in late October1950,completely surprising theRepublicofKorea aswellasthe United NationsCommand.TheCommunistChina entered theKorean war to help North Korea and to resisttheUnited StatesofAmerica.And the CommunistChina had foughtthe UN Forces and Korean forces until27July1953. This study hastried to answerthe following key questions:(1)What wastheconceptandthedecisivefactorsof‘thestrategytoendthewar(終結戰略)’duringtheKorean War?(2)How didtheCommunistChinaactin the initialstage and afterthe North Korea's surprise attack againstthe South Korea? (3)Why did theCommunistChina entertheKorean War?(4)WhatwaswarpolicyandobjectiveoftheCommunistChinaduringthe Korean War? (5)When andWhydid theCommunistChina trytochange hiswarobjectiveand waraim? (6)Why did theSovietUnion and North Korea involvetheCommunistChina into theKorean War? (7)Whatwas the role ofthe CommunistChina as a wartime lead state during thKorean War?(8)Whatdid theCommunistChina obtain from theSoviet UnionandtheNorthKoreaduringtheKoreanWarandafterthearmistice?In seeking answers to the above questions this paper used the CommunistChina’sdocumentsandmaterials,theSovietUnions’documents and materials,and documentsand filesoftheKorea Government,Korean WarHistory ofMinistry ofNationalDefenseofROK,and theMemoirsof thosestatesman andgeneralswhoplayed an activepartin policy-making wereconsulted. In conclusion, the Communist China achieved an enforcement and modernization of the Chinese Communist Forces, and enforced their Sino-Soviet Union alliance relations through the Korean War. The CommunistChina also broughtchange in Sino-North Korea relationship,which meant the rule of North Korea by the Communist China. Accordingly,theCommunistChina becameoneoftheleadingstateswith theAmericaandtheSovietUnionaftertheKoreanWar.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.