author={Park Woo Hyun},
title={Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War},
journal={military history},
AU - Park Woo Hyun
TI - Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War
JO - military history
PY - 2024
VL - null
IS - 133
PB - Military History Institute, MND
SP - 57
EP - 97
SN - 1598-317X
AB - Thisarticleanalyzestheprocessandplansof Japantobuildrailroads on the Korean peninsula in order to invade the continent during the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars. Japan built the railroad on the Korean peninsula in the name of countering Russia, so its purpose was military from the beginning. In addition, the Japanese realized from the First Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars that it was impossible to build a logistics system without railroads. As a result, not only the construction of the Gyeongbu Line and theGyeonguLine,butalsotheplansfortheKoreanPeninsulaRailway Network, which were centered on the Japanese Army after the Russo-Japanese War, gave priority to the role of logistics lines. Infact,therailwayplandrawnupbytheGeneralStaffoftheJapanese Army in 1909 was identical with the railway network that was eventually built on the Korean peninsula. This prioritization of the rail network for military purposes left behind a lack of east-west connectivity that remains a problem for Korea's railways to this day.
KW - Japanese imperialism; First Sino-Japanese War; Russo-Japanese War; Korean railroad network;supply lines
DO -
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ER -
Park Woo Hyun. (2024). Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. military history, 133, 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. 2024, "Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War", military history, no.133, pp.57-97.
Park Woo Hyun "Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War" military history 133 pp.57-97 (2024) : 57.
Park Woo Hyun. Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. 2024; 133 : 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. "Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War" military history no.133(2024) : 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. military history, 133, 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. military history. 2024; 133 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War. 2024; 133 : 57-97.
Park Woo Hyun. "Expansion of the Korean Peninsula railroad network as a Japanese military supply line after the First Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War" military history no.133(2024) : 57-97.