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2013, Vol.28, No.2

A Review on America’s Rebalancing Strategy and Its Impact on Trilateral Relationship between China, Russia, and North Korea in the 21st Century.
Kim Jae kwan | 2013, 28(2) | pp.6~42 | number of Cited : 3
International Politics in the East Asian Seas : Forecast for the East Asian Maritime Security Environment based on the U.S.’ Pivot to Asia
LIM KYUNG HAN | 2013, 28(2) | pp.43~74 | number of Cited : 7
Internal Conflict among the Communist States during the Period of the Korean Military Armistice Conference
Jaehoon Lee | 2013, 28(2) | pp.75~102 | number of Cited : 1
Chinese War Participation Decision Process in the Korean War : From North Korean Support Request to Participation Decision
Okjoon Kim | 2013, 28(2) | pp.104~145 | number of Cited : 3
The Onset of the Post-Cold War Era and the Change of Korean Politics
Cho, Jungkwan | 2013, 28(2) | pp.148~183 | number of Cited : 0
What is to be done for party reform?
Ryu, Jaesung | 2013, 28(2) | pp.186~216 | number of Cited : 5
The 18th Presidential Election and Negative Campaign
Lee, Dong-yoon | 2013, 28(2) | pp.218~246 | number of Cited : 2
Patterns and Causes of Korean Voters’ Candidate Choice in the 2012 Presidential Election
Park, Chan Wook | 2013, 28(2) | pp.248~290 | number of Cited : 0
Study on China’s Core Interests
Kim Heungkyu | 2013, 28(2) | pp.292~323 | number of Cited : 17
The Propaganda of the CCP & Red Culture Craze
KwangSu Lee | 2013, 28(2) | pp.326~351 | number of Cited : 5