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2017, Vol.24, No.4

The Process How Kimilsung Juche Ideology has Realized Nuke Armed Forces System on the Korean Peninsular: Centered around Philosophical Bases and Changes of Collective Identity
Pak, yohan , Lee, HyunJoo | 2017, 24(4) | pp.5~39 | number of Cited : 2
Tourist Gaze and Cultural Attitude of Korean Tourists in Taiwan: Routinization of Schedule, Standardization of Taste and Re-Contextualization of Place
LEE Eungchel | 2017, 24(4) | pp.41~73 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on the Domestic Perception in the Period of Normalization of Sino-Korean Diplomatic Relationship: The Analysis of the Editorials and Illustrations of the Domestic Media in 1980-1990s
Young-Tae Jang , YANG CHUL | 2017, 24(4) | pp.75~106 | number of Cited : 2
A Comparative Study on Young John Allen’s Wen Xue Xing Guo Ce and Park Eunsik’s “Xing Xue Shuo”
Soon-Bang Oh , Wang, Chang-Jiang | 2017, 24(4) | pp.107~128 | number of Cited : 0