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2010, Vol.10, No.1

Japanese Intelligence Officers’ Surveying Aggression on Chosun Dynast and the Characteristics of Visual Measurement Maps
Nam Young-Woo , 이호상 | 2010, 10(1) | pp.1~12 | number of Cited : 7
Representation of Hokkaido and its Surroundings in Old Western Maps of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
JUNG,IN-CHUL | 2010, 10(1) | pp.13~25 | number of Cited : 3
“The Historical Meaning of the Name of ‘Sea of Japan(日本海)’ in 「The New Detailed Map of Japan, Russia, China, and Korea(日露淸韓明細新圖)」”
Hodong Kim | 2010, 10(1) | pp.27~37 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Dokdo Recognition of Japan - Focused on the Dokdo Attribution and Border Drawn in the 「New Map of Japan, Russia, China, and Korea(日露淸韓明細新圖)」-
KIM WHAKYONG | 2010, 10(1) | pp.39~53 | number of Cited : 5
Spatial Distribution and Utilization Feature of WiFi
Hong Il Young | 2010, 10(1) | pp.55~64 | number of Cited : 12
Methods and Strategies for Korean Land Monitoring
정재준 , Soo-hyun Lee | 2010, 10(1) | pp.65~74 | number of Cited : 22