title={Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index},
journal={Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information},
AU - 신윤환
TI - Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index
JO - Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information
PY - 2016
VL - 21
IS - 2
PB - The Korean Society Of Computer And Information
SP - 105
EP - 112
SN - 1598-849X
AB - In this paper, we propose a technique that can be mapped to the most appropriate type of health patterns, depending on the health status of health promotion measures to establish a body mass index (BMI). When used as a mapping scheme proposed in this paper it is possible to contribute to effective healthcare and health promotion. BMI is widely used as a simple way to assess obesity because body fat increases the status and relevance. Despite normal weight determined by this and because of the social atmosphere has increased prefer the skinny tend to try to excessive weight loss. Since health can affect the health maintenance and promotion of the rest of your life, depending on whether and how much weight perception and health can be considered as very important. Therefore, this paper identifies the differences in perception and in this respect for the body mass index (BMI). And physical, mental and map the appropriate type of pattern in the relationship between body mass index (BMI) in order to facilitate the social and health conditions.
Proposal to give such a mapping technique provides the opportunity to increase the efficiency of health care and health promotion.
KW - BMI;Mapping;HPT;Pattern type I. Introduction 산업이 발달하고 경제수준이 높아짐에 따라 식생활과 생활양식 등의 변화로 활동범위는 점점 좁아지고 있다. 이와 같은이유로 비만인구는 점점 늘어나고 있으며 특정 연령층에서만나타나는 현상을 벗어나 일부 젊은 층에서도 건강에 위협이 될정도로 비만이 나타나고 있다. Brannon & Feist(2007)는 과식과 비만에 대하여 다음과 같이 기술하였다.
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신윤환. (2016). Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 21(2), 105-112.
신윤환. 2016, "Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index", Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, vol.21, no.2 pp.105-112.
신윤환 "Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 21.2 pp.105-112 (2016) : 105.
신윤환. Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index. 2016; 21(2), 105-112.
신윤환. "Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 21, no.2 (2016) : 105-112.
신윤환. Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information, 21(2), 105-112.
신윤환. Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index. Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information. 2016; 21(2) 105-112.
신윤환. Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index. 2016; 21(2), 105-112.
신윤환. "Suitable Health Pattern Type Mapping Techniques in Body Mass Index" Journal of The Korea Society of Computer and Information 21, no.2 (2016) : 105-112.