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2018, Vol.27, No.1

The Study on the Living Satisfaction and Its Determinants in the Growth Promotion Area: The Case of North Region in Gyeongbuk Province, Korea
SungJo Ahn , Yeon su Ryu , Kim, Joong-Pyo and 1 other persons | 2018, 27(1) | pp.1~26 | number of Cited : 1
Twenty Years After Transition: An Empirical Study on Income Inequality, Institutional Development and Economic Growth
Choi Changyong , Dae Hong Kim | 2018, 27(1) | pp.27~66 | number of Cited : 5
A Study of the North Korean Defectors' Stigmatization Information Management: Centered on the Concept of Stigma of Goffman Jiho
Ahn, Jiho , Hyun Ju | 2018, 27(1) | pp.67~94 | number of Cited : 4
The Effect of Nationality of Foreign Residents on Fear of Crime for Local Residents
Kang SuJin , Wonseok Seo | 2018, 27(1) | pp.95~115 | number of Cited : 7
Critical Issues in the Rural Land Policy of Ethiopia
Zegeye Tirfe , Kyung-Ryang Kim | 2018, 27(1) | pp.117~150 | number of Cited : 0
The Effects of Organizational Culture on Social and Economic Performance of Social Enterprise in Seoul Area: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Network Activity
이재희 , Cho, Sangmi , Kwon So Il | 2018, 27(1) | pp.151~193 | number of Cited : 8