| 2024, 25(4)
| pp.45~77
| number of Cited : 0
In Korea today, people from various nationalities are studying, with Chinese students comprising the largest proportion of international students in Korea as of 2021. This suggests that the experiences of Chinese students in Korea will significantly impact future social, cultural, and educational developments in China, as well as influence the field of disability education. This study aims to examine the perceptions and attitudes toward people with disabilities of Chinese students studying in Korea. For this purpose, four Chinese students who have been attending various universities in Korea for over two years were selected as research participants. A narrative research method was employed to conduct a qualitative study. The specific research questions were as follows: first, what perceptions and attitudes did Chinese students in Korea hold toward people with disabilities while the students were still in China? Second, have they experienced experienced any changes during their time studying in Korea? The study results showed that most participants had little direct or indirect contact with people with disabilities in China, leading to limited knowledge or negative perceptions. However, during their stay in Korea, they encountered changes in perception and attitude through direct interactions with people with disabilities, participation in disability-related courses, and exposure to diverse disability-related media. These findings indicate that perceptions and attitudes toward people with disabilities are shaped and can change through diverse interactions in daily life. Therefore, to help international students, including Chinese students, develop a healthy perception and attitude toward people with disabilities, our society must provide them with diverse educational and socio-cultural experiences.