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The Understanding of Students with Disabilities through the Lens of Critical Theory

  • Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice
  • Abbr : JSPED
  • 2008, 9(1), pp.149-167
  • Publisher : Research Institute of the Korea Special Education
  • Research Area : Social Science > Education

강종구 1 Junghyun Kim 2




South Korea’s special education has radically developed in its quantitativeand qualitative aspects. However, South Korea seems not to pay a lot of attention to theoretical development of special education. This study aimed to understand students with disabilities through the lens of critical theory, one of theoretical approaches. We discussed how to overcome the unequal power relationship between non-disabled people and people with disabilities from the lens of critical theory, and tried to help understand South Korean students with disabilities from the unbalanced power relationship.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.