Sung-Jun Lee
| 2024, (34)
| pp.69~114
| number of Cited : 0
This study is divided into two parts: diachronic and synchronic. First, the diachronic study aims to describe how HRM in Swedish companies has changed over the course of the evolution of the Swedish model. Second, the synchronic study that follows aims to examine the distinctive characteristics of HRM in Swedish companies based on the results of the Cranet survey that has examined differences in HRM over 40 countries and identify the cause of these characteristics based on the results of the diachronic study. The results of the literature review show that the historical development of HRM in Swedish companies can be largely divided into three periods: 1) the employee welfare era (1920∼50), 2) the personnel administration era (1950∼80), and finally, 3) the post-bureaucratic HRM era (1980∼present). These three periods were shown to emphasize different discourses, namely, 1) the realization of humanistic values in workplaces, 2) the realization of workplace democracy, and finally, 3) the effective use of human resources to increase companies’ profit. The results of analysis confirms that the characteristics of HRM in Swedish companies are gradually formed under the influence of these three discourses.