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The Scandinavian Society of Korea was established in 1999 with the aim of stimulating research on Scandinavian studies, sharing research results and facilitating social interactions and cooperation among researchers in Scandinavian studies. The Scandinavian Society of Korea also publishes the peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal (Journal of the Scandinavian Society of Korea, JSSK) twice a year (June and December).

Editor-in-Chief more

Seo, Hyeon Su

(Korea National University of Education)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.21
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.31
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 0.0
  • Immediacy Index : 0.1429

Current Issue : 2023, Vol., No.32 more

Implications of 1998 Swedish Pension Reform Experiences for Korean Pension Reform
주은선 | 2023, (32) | pp.1~34 | number of Cited : 0
Exploring the sustainability of Swedish civic governance under strong multiculturalism
최희경 | 2023, (32) | pp.35~91 | number of Cited : 0
The university system and higher education policy in Finland: Between the ideal and reality of "higher education for all"
Seo Hyeon Su | 2023, (32) | pp.93~140 | number of Cited : 0

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