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The journal 『Bioethics』 is the journal of the Korean Society of Bioethics, founded in February 1998. Since the first issue was published in May 2000, it has been steadily published for more than 20 years until June 2020. It is currently a KCI-registered journal, with the highest citation index compared to other journals in relevant academic fields, and as an authoritative journal submitted by researchers with diverse academic backgrounds, it does not degrade in quality even when compared to international journals. The main readership of 『Bioethics』 includes bioethicists, ethics scholars, philosophers, ethics educators, jurists, theologians, medical professionals such as doctors and nurses interested in bioethics, and both contributors and readers are the broadest. With various academic backgrounds, it has established itself as a representative academic journal for multidisciplinary studies. The topics covered in 『Bioethics』 are also very broad, encompassing both theory and practice, from basic ethical theories to ethical issues accompanying the application of the advanced medical life science field. We are confident that a field of discourse on bioethics is indispensable, and this 『Bioethics』 has faithfully kept such a role silent.

Editor-in-Chief more

Kwon Bokgyu

(EWHA WOMANs University of Medical)

Citation Index more

  • KCI IF(2yr) : 0.55
  • KCI IF(5yr) : 0.85
  • Centrality Index(3yr) : 1.265
  • Immediacy Index : 0.1

Current Issue : 2020, Vol.21, No.2 more

Academic Tasks of the Korean Bioethics
Kyungsuk Choi | 2020, 21(2) | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 2
Current Status and Limitation of Bioethics Regulation related to Highly advanced medicine in South Korea
Choi Eunkyung | 2020, 21(2) | pp.17~30 | number of Cited : 4
A Study on the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision-making and End-of-Life Care Experiences of Intensive Care Nurses after the Enforcement of the Life-sustaining Treatment Decision-making Act
Kyongjin Ahn | Kong, Byung-Hye | Song, Yoonjin | 2020, 21(2) | pp.31~53 | number of Cited : 14

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