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A Short History of Bioethics in East Asian Countries; Experiences of China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea

  • Journal of the Korea Bioethics Association
  • 2018, 19(2), pp.1-14
  • DOI : 10.37305/JKBA.2018.
  • Publisher : The Korean Bioethics Association
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Interdisciplinary Research
  • Received : November 16, 2018
  • Accepted : December 26, 2018

Ivo KWON 1




Bioethics in East Asian countries(China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea) began in late 1970s or early 1980s. It was influenced by the change of the society and healthcare system, the development of medical technology such as organ transplantation, and the uprising of advanced biotechnology. Though each country has different political and societal legislation, healthcare system and culture, technological field which is energetically sought for, and disputable ethical issues, they have some difficult problems and questions in common ; the conflict between the imported theories and the real field of healthcare and research, the split between the language of ethics and the real practice of ethics, and the coexist of the pre-modernity and the current modernity in its society. Bioethics should be a foundation of ethical practice in the real world. The experiences and current situation of these countries, who share the similar background, and a comparative study would some important implication to the right practice and the development of bioethics in Korea.

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