author={김선이 and 김윤섭},
title={A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function},
journal={Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science},
AU - 김선이
AU - 김윤섭
TI - A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function
JO - Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science
PY - 2011
VL - 22
IS - 1
PB - Journal Of The Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science
SP - 11
EP - 26
SN - 1229-2435
AB - The expectation and the role for the university are rising due to the national competitiveness and change of environment in higher education in the knowledge based society, and the role to realize the effective lifelong study is also underlined in lifelong study society. And the social awareness is also diffused that the university should share the specialized substantial information resource with the community, and ensure the access right to knowledge and information to local inhabitant. Like this, the roll as an information center that the university can develop the local society as the component of the community according to the diffusion of lifelong study and the change of civic awareness. To check the open state of university libraries to community, this study surveyed and analyzed the open state of 4-year-course university libraries in Seoul and Gyoenggi region. On this base, this study emphasized that the university should open its libraries and positively offer the abundant specialized data of university libraries to the local residents. And this study suggested the way that the university libraries can cooperate connecting with the local public libraries and the school libraries as a positive service way of university libraries. Also this study accentuated that the university libraries should establish an open-door policy of its libraries and enlarge the service for the local residents by using the university conditions to maximum with the positive support of the university libraries of government and the university’s bureaucracy.
KW - University Libraries;Public Libraries;School Library Media Centers;Opening Community;Life-long Learning
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김선이 and 김윤섭. (2011). A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 22(1), 11-26.
김선이 and 김윤섭. 2011, "A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function", Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, vol.22, no.1 pp.11-26.
김선이, 김윤섭 "A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function" Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science 22.1 pp.11-26 (2011) : 11.
김선이, 김윤섭. A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function. 2011; 22(1), 11-26.
김선이 and 김윤섭. "A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function" Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science 22, no.1 (2011) : 11-26.
김선이; 김윤섭. A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 22(1), 11-26.
김선이; 김윤섭. A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science. 2011; 22(1) 11-26.
김선이, 김윤섭. A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function. 2011; 22(1), 11-26.
김선이 and 김윤섭. "A Plan for Opening the University Libraries as the Central Axis of Learning Function" Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science 22, no.1 (2011) : 11-26.