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2014, Vol.25, No.1

Estimating the Effects of Improving a Key Features Document of Variable Life Insurance
황진태 , Hae Won Byun , 김해식 | 2014, 25(1) | pp.3~27 | number of Cited : 5
Reverse Mortgage Loan to Hedge Longevity Risk-Comparison with Immediate Life Annuities-
Yang Jaehwan , Yoonkyung Yuh , 김혜경 | 2014, 25(1) | pp.29~73 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Natural Hedging Effect to the Risk of Portfolio in Equity-Indexed Annuity and Minimum Guarantees of Variable Annuity
송창길 , Chang Soo Lee , Hur Yeon | 2014, 25(1) | pp.75~107 | number of Cited : 3
An Empirical Analysis of the International Asset Pricing Model
Soonho Kim | 2014, 25(1) | pp.109~139 | number of Cited : 0