Journal of Knowledge Information Technology and Systems 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.89
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
The Journal of KKITS is a convergence academic journal regularly published by Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society (“KKITS”) and aims to announce the multidisciplinary research performance of IT by issuing the academic journal and provide it to the associated research communities. The Journal of KKITS has been growing in both quantitative and qualitative aspects since it published its first issue in 2006 and has listed as a KCI listed candidate journal in 2009 and a KCI listed journal in 2012. The Journal of KKITS publishes original research papers six times a year, including multidisciplinary theoretical research and experimental research with IT.