Journal of Knowledge Information Technology and Systems 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.89
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
Article 1 [Purpose)
This regulation aims to prevent research misconduct and secure research ethics for members who wish to contribute and publish articles to Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society (‘the Society’), and present basic principles and directions for the roles and responsibilities necessary to comply with the research ethics regulations.
Article 2 (Applicable Subjects)
This regulation applies to all members who contribute and present articles to the Society and their writings.
Article 3 (Scope of application)
All articles contributed and published through the Society shall comply with this regulation, unless there is a special regulation in applicable laws and regulations.
Article 4 (Compliance)
All authors presenting and contributing articles to the Society shall comply with this Code of Ethics by contributing original articles based on their scholarly conscience for the achievement of the purpose specified in the Society's articles of association and academic development in related fields.
Article 5 (Violation) The following acts are considered to violate the Society's code of ethics.
① An act that violates the article publication ethics based on applicable laws, social regulations, and practices, such as forgery, falsification, plagiarism, and unfair article author indication ('Forgery' refers to an act to create false data or research results that do not exist. 'Falsification' is an act to distort the contents or results of research by artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, and processes, or arbitrarily modifying or deleting data. 'Plagiarism’ is an act to cite or pirate the other people's idea, research content and result without legitimate approval or citation, and 'Unfair article author indication' is an act not to grant the article author status to the person who contributed to the research content or result without justifiable reason or an act to grant the article author status to the person who did not contribute to the research content or result with a reason to express the acknowledgment or respectful treatment)
② An act to intentionally hinder the investigation for the suspected fraudulent act associated to himself or others concerning the previous paragraph, or threaten the whistle-blower
Article 6 (Compliance with Ethics Regulations) Society members shall abide by this regulation, and submit an ‘The pledge to comply with Research Ethics Regulation’ when contribute the article.
Article 7 (Treatment of Violations) Members who violate the ethics regulations as described in Article 6 may be expelled according to the resolution of the 'Research Ethics Committee' of the Society. Besides, all civil, criminal, and administrative responsibilities to be assumed by the Society due to the member's misconduct shall be indemnified.
Article 8 (Appeal) If the article contributor has an objection, the content can be appealed in writing. In this case, the Research Ethics Committee deliberates the content of the appeal and sends the result in writing to the article contributor.
Article 9 (Research Ethics Committee) The Society establishes the 'Research Ethics Committee' to deliberate on the Code of Research Ethics.
Article 10 Matters not specified in this regulation are subject to the determination of the 'Research Ethics Committee'.