Journal of Knowledge Information Technology and Systems 2023 KCI Impact Factor : 0.89
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
pISSN : 1975-7700 / eISSN : 2734-0570
1. Home page of the Journal
The official homepage address of the Journal is as follows:URL:
2. Title of the Journal
The official title of the Journal is ‘Journal of KKITS’
3. Expert’s review process
1) These provisions are applied only to research articles intended to be published in the Journal of KKITS and aim to define matters related to article review.
2) Article review committee consists of members of the society (KKITS), professors, and researchers in specialized fields, and is operated by a review committee organized by major fields.
3) The editing committee requests review for the article received to three examiners who are deemed appropriate for review.
4) Article review is conducted in a confidential review in which the information between the article examiner and the contributor is mutually anonymous. If the article requested for review is inconsistent with the major or if it is difficult to review, the examiner may refuse the review and must return it immediately to the editing committee.
5) The examiner evaluates the article by detailed review item and, based on this, evaluates the article as ‘Publish’, ‘Publish after modification’, ‘Review after modification’, and ‘Rejection for publication’.
The evaluation criteria are as follows.
① Publish: This refers to a complete article that does not require modification for overall contents such as research method, analysis content, and conclusion, etc. However, articles that can easily correct the context, such as minor mistakes in word description, or that are judged to be excellent are judged as 'Publish'.
② Publish after modification: Articles that require at least some modification efforts due to the discovery of some errors in the research method, analysis content, and conclusions, or articles in which many errors in sentence expression are found even if there are no defects in method or content, and those that require modification efforts since many errors are found in research issues, method and result interpretation are judged as 'Publish after modification'.
③ Review after modification: Articles where material errors (for example, when the model needs to be newly organized or estimated due to a serious error in sampling or a research technique, or there is serious contradiction in logic development, etc) are found in research issues, methods, analysis contents and conclusions such that the feasibility and suitability need to be judged by review again even if the author modified them are judged as ‘Review after modification’
④ Reject: Articles that are judged not to be in accordance with the academic standards of the Society, or judged to damage the dignity of the Journal of KKITS if published since fatal errors are found in the research issues, method, analysis contents, conclusions and research approach, etc, regardless of the author’s modification efforts, are judged as ‘Reject’.
6) The review opinion on an article specifies ① suitability of title ② summary of abstract ③ rationality of configuration and expression ④ creativity of research content and method ⑤ feasibility of result ⑥ appropriateness of references, and ⑦ plagiarism of the article respectively. Comprehensive review opinions are prepared according to the evaluation criteria of paragraph 5).
7) The examiner may send a private letter regarding the submitted article to the editor-in-chief during article review.
8) The article review report is subject to the following procedure.
① The examiner who has been requested to review the article from the editor-in-chief shall finish both primary and secondary reviews within 3 weeks from the request and 10 days for urgent contribution and send the article review opinions to the editor-in-chief.
② If the examiner does not send the review result within this period, the editor-in-chief may stop the review request and change the examiner.
③ When an examiner who has been requested to review the article cannot review due to inevitable circumstances such as overseas business trip or inconsistency of major, he/she shall immediately informs the fact to the editor-in-chief, and the editor-in-chief can change the examiner.
④ The form of article review opinion is determined by the editing committee.
9) The editing committee finally decides whether to publish the article with examiners’ review result according to the following process criteria.
Review result | Processing | ||
Examiner A | Examiner B | Examiner C | |
Publish or publish after modification | Publish or publish after modification | Other opinions | The editing committee decides to publish the article or decides to publish after confirmation of modification. |
Reject | Reject | Other opinions | Reject |
Reject | Review after modification | Review after modification | The editing committee decides subsequent processing according to the results of the review of examiners B and C on the modified article. |
Reject | Review after modification | Publish after modification | The editing committee decides subsequent processing according to the result of examiner B's review on the modified article and the result of the editing committee's confirmation of modification. |
Review after modification | Review after modification | Review after modification | The editing committee decides on subsequent processing according to the decision of Reject or the result of the review of examiners A, B, and C on the modified article. |
Review after modification | Review after modification | Publish after modification | The editing committee decides the subsequent processing according to the review result of examiners A and B on the modified article and the confirmation of modification by the editing committee. |
10) The publication of the article which has been finalized to be published may be suspended or rejected in the following cases.
① If the examiner's legitimate point is not modified or supplemented without justifiable reason;
② If the article is deemed unsuitable for publication since the modified/supplemented content is insufficient; or
③ If the contributor has not paid the posting fee.
4. Ownership and operation
The copyright for the article finally published in the Journal of KKITS is owned by Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society.
5. Editing committee
Byung-Tae Chun (Hankyung National University)
[Vice editor-in-chief]
Yoon-Ae Ahn (Korea National University of Transport)
[Editing staffs]
Sun-Yeob Kim (Namseoul University)
Young-In Kim (Pusan National University)
Jong-Yun Kim (Kyungdong University)
Jun Woo Kim (Dong-A University)
Doo-Young Yang (Jeju National University)
Won-Hui Lee (Seoul Digital University)
Jongmyung Choi (Mokpo National University)
Kwangmin Hyun (Gangneung-Wonju National University)
6. Editing committee / members
1) Editing committee: Same as above
2) Contact: #1101 Oncheon-ro 59 Youseong-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City, 34186, Rep. of KOREA. (Bongmyung-dong, Dong-A Venture Tower) Tel: +82-42-825-2779 / Fax: +82-42-822-2292, E-mail:
7. Copyright and License
The copyright for all writings published in the Journal of KKITS is owned by Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society. All authors and contributors shall agree to transfer the copyright during the article submission process.
8. Posting fee
The article review fee is free. When publication is confirmed, the posting fee will be KRW 280,000 for general publication based on 1 ~ 10 pages (from page 11, additional KRW 20,000 will be charged per page), and KRW 560,000 for urgent publication based on 1 ~ 10 pages (from page 11, additional KRW 40,000 will be charged per page). Additional KRW 100,000 will be charged for an acknowledgment article that specifies the purpose of publication. All co-authors must be members of the society.
9. Investigation and processing procedure for violation of research ethics
Research Ethics Regulation of Korea Knowledge Information Technology Society
Article 5 (Violation) The following acts are considered to violate the Society's code of ethics. ① An act that violates the article publication ethics based on applicable laws, social regulations, and practices, such as forgery, falsification, plagiarism, and unfair article author indication ('Forgery' refers to an act to create false data or research results that do not exist. 'Falsification' is an act to distort the contents or results of research by artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, and processes, or arbitrarily modifying or deleting data. 'Plagiarism’ is an act to cite or pirate the other people's idea, research content and result without legitimate approval or citation, and 'Unfair article author indication' is an act not to grant the article author status to the person who contributed to the research content or result without justifiable reason or an act to grant the article author status to the person who did not contribute to the research content or result with a reason to express the acknowledgment or respectful treatment) ② An act to intentionally hinder the investigation for the suspected fraudulent act associated to himself or others concerning the previous paragraph, or threaten the whistle-blower
Article 9 (Research Ethics Committee) The Research Ethics Committee is established to deliberate on article research code of ethics.
Article 10 Matters not specified in this regulation are subject to the determination of the Research Ethics Committee.
10. Publication Ethics
Publication code of ethics of KKITS
Article 1 [Purpose)
The purpose of this article is to promote sound publication ethics of the Journal by presenting the responsibility, scope, and processing procedures necessary for securing the publication ethics of KKITS' academic journal, Journal of KKITS.
Article 2 (Applicable Subjects and Scope)
This article applies to writings published in the Journal of KKITS.
Article 3 (Publishing misconducts)
The following acts are considered to violate publication code of ethics.
1) Duplicate publication
① Copy: When the samples (or research data) and outcome between two articles are same, or when the same article is contributed as if it were a new article.
② Salami publication: When the samples are same but the results are different. In a relatively small-scale study, if research results overlap, it is appropriate to combine them into one article to provide research information. However, if it is difficult to publish a single article as a large-scale research, it is not called a salami publication.
③ Imalas publication: When the samples are different but the results are the same. In other words, in the form of writing articles by increasing or decreasing the number of research subjects, in most cases, they publish articles by increasing the number of samples by adding data to the preliminary article to create a complete article.
④ In the case that since the results are different from the sample, it is possible to identify whether it is a duplicate publication only through contact with the author.
2) Text recycling
This is to reuse a certain part used in the author’s writing before.
① If it is possible to violate research ethics depending on the degree and situation of text recycling, it is judged according to the research code of ethics.
② In the case of data duplication, it shall be judged whether or not it is duplicated.
③ Related studies and methods are not strictly applied because reuse cannot be avoided in many cases in the case of similar studies.
Article 4 (Compliance with the Code of Ethics)
① The researcher must contribute articles in compliance with publication ethics.
② The researcher must disclose the research process, related data, and research deliverable as much as possible to the extent that his/her research confidentiality can be protected for the development of society and academics.
③ If the researcher wishes to use his/her research results that have already been published, he/she must indicate the citation or obtain permission from the editor (or publisher) of the academic journal where the article was first published.
Article 5 (treatment of violations)
Members who violate the code of ethics as described in Article 3 may be expelled according to the resolution of the Publication Ethics Committee of this society. In addition, the member shall indemnify all civil, criminal, and administrative responsibilities that the Society has to assume due to his/her actions.
Article 6 (Appeal)
If the article contributor has an objection, the content can be appealed in writing. In this case, the Publication Ethics Committee deliberates the content of the appeal and sends the result in writing to the article contributor.
Article 7 (Publication Ethics Committee) The society establishes a Publication Ethics Committee to deliberate on publication ethics regulation.
Article 8 Matters not specified in this regulation are subject to the determination of the Publication Ethics Committee.
11. Publication days
The publication days of the Journal of KKITS are February 28, which is the last day of an even-numbered month (February 29 if the last day is 29), April 30, June 30, August 31, October 31, and December 31, issued six times a year.
12. Accessibility
The Journal of KKITS is freely accessible to members and nonmembers of KKITS on the website of the society and KCI.
13. Archiving
The Journal of KKITS keeps published articles on the website of the society and in the database of the National Research Foundation of Korea. The copies of Journal of KKITS is sent to the National Library of Korea and the National Assembly Library to ensure that they are permanently preserved.
14. Profit structure
The profit of the Journal of KKITS consists of posting fees and acknowledgment expense of authors, and supporting subsidy for academic journals of the National Research Foundation of Korea.
15. Advertising
The Journal of KKITS does not post any commercial advertisements until the journal regulations are revised.
16. Marketing
The Journal of KKITS promotes the recruitment and publication of article manuscripts through the society’s website and e-mail.