Gun-Woong Yeom
| 2024, 12(4)
| pp.35~66
| number of Cited : 0
Deepfake, created by the development of deep learning technology, is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create content similar to the real thing by manipulating data such as face, voice, and video. Initially, it was mainly attracting attention as a technology for creative content production in movies, advertisements, and games, but in recent years, the number of cases of abuse for the purpose of sex crimes, defamation, and political propaganda is increasing rapidly. In particular, deepfake sex crimes are carried out by synthesizing the victim's face with pornography and distributing it, which causes serious mental and social damage to the victim. In order to solve this problem, this study attempts to suggest policy countermeasures through analysis of perpetrators of deepfake sex crimes.
It is fortunate that the relevant legislation was prepared belatedly after the Deepfake sex crime incident, which began at the end of August 2024, but we are concerned that the National Assembly contained poor content compared to its seriousness. Deepfake sex crimes are a representative example of the dark side of technological development and are causing serious damage to victims. To prevent this, comprehensive policy countermeasures such as tight legal regulatory measures, technical responses, improved education and awareness, and international cooperation should be prepared. In particular, based on international cooperation and institutional development, a prevention and detection system using AI technology should be established to prepare comprehensive countermeasures against deepfake sex crimes, which are anti-humanitarian, anti-humanitarian, and anti-social crimes.