/ 2011
/ 건축법 제정·개정이유
/ 법제처
/ 2013
/ 생활환경 개선을 위한 주민주도형 건축협약 제도 연구
/ 건축도시공간연구소
: 35~
/ 2013
/ 건축협정제도의 활용 방안
/ auri brief
/ 건축도시공간연구소
/ 2006
/ 行政法総論講義
/ 有斐閣
: 239~
/ 1990
/ 行政法の争点
/ 有斐閣
: 289~
/ 1996
/ 改訂第2版行政法講義
/ 法学書院
: 177~
/ 1976
/ 建築協定の法的性質
/ 同建築基準法論
: 153~
/ 1983
/ 建築協定の法的問題一私人間合意と行政との関係についての一考察
/ 産大法学
: 15~
/ 1983
/ 現代型行政と取消訴訟
/ 公法研究
: 166~
/ 2004
/ 行政法
/ 有斐閣
: 346~356
/ 2001
/ 建築協定の課題と制度設計
/ 法政研究
: 75~
/ 2004
/ アメリカ土地利用法における計画相互間の垂直的調整システム(一): プランニングの州規模化・広域化と地方公共団体一
/ 大阪経済法科大学法学論集
: 23~
/ 2001
/ アメリカ土地利用法における一貫性原則の形成(上)
/ 法学志林
: 159~160
/ 1983
/ アメリカ土地利用計画法の発展と財産椛の保障(一)
/ 法学協会雑誌
: 50~
A. Dan Tarlock
/ 1989
/ Private Land Use Controls: What is the Public Interest?
/ Land Use L. & Zoning Dig
: 3~
Bernard H. Siegan
/ 1972
/ Land Use Without Zoning
Bradley C. Karkkainen
/ 1994
/ Zoning: A Reply to The Critics
/ J. Land Use & Envtl. L
: 45~
Charles E. Clark
/ 1947
/ Real Covenants and Other Interest Which Run with the Land
David J. Kennedy
/ 1995
/ Residential Associations as State Actors: Regulating the Impact of Gated Communities on Nonmembers
/ Yale L. J
: 761~
David L. Callies
/ 2005
/ Common Intent Communities: An Introduction
/ Urb. Law
: 325~
David L. Callies
/ 2003
/ Ramapo Looking Forward: Gated Communities, Covenants, and Concerns
/ Urb. Law
: 177~178
David Weissmann
/ 2006
/ Removing Restrictive Covenants as Burdens to a Disaster Response
/ Prob. & Prop.
: 45~
Edward M. Bassett
/ 1936
/ Zoning
: 184~186
Evan McKenzie
/ 1994
/ Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government
George W. Liebmann
/ 1993
/ Devolution of Power to Community and Block Associations
/ Urb. Law
: 364~372
Gerald Korngold
/ 2007
/ Resolving the lntergenerational Conflicts of Real Property Law: Preserving Free Markets and Personal Autonomy for Future Generations
/ AM. U. L. Rev.
: 1569~1571
Gerald Korngold
/ 2001
/ The Emergence of Private Land Use Controls in Large-Scale Subdivisions: The Companion Story to Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.
/ Case W. Res. L. Rev.
: 617~
James A. Kushner
/ 2003
/ Comparative Urban Planning Law
: 225~
J. Gorden Hylton
/ 2007
/ Property Law and The Public Interest: Case and Material
: 578~610
John R, Nolon
/ 2006
/ Land Use
: 29~34
John Wiley
/ 1979
/ Private Land Use Controls, Barriers to Solar Development: The Need for State Legislation
/ Solar L. Rep.
: 281~
Julian Conrad, Juergensmeyer
/ 1998
/ Land Use Planning & Control Law
: 657~
Laura T. Rahe
/ 2002
/ The Right Exclude: Preserving the Autonomy of the Homeowners’
/ URB. Law
: 521~
Marc A. Weiss
/ 1987
/ The Rise of the Community Builders
: 68~72
Mary M. Ross
/ 1996
/ The Zoning Process:Private Land-Use Controls and Gated Communities; The Impact of Private Property Rights Legislation, and Other Recent Developments in the Law
/ Urb. Law.
: 801~
Michael A. Heller
/ 1999
/ The Boundaries of Private Property
/ Yale L. J.
: 1173~1174
Michael J.D. Sweeney
/ The Changing Role of Private Land Restrictions: Reforming Servitude Law
/ Fordham L. Rev.
: 661~
Michael S. Goodrich
/ 1983
/ Private Land Restrictions in Texas: A Need lor Greater Legislative Control
/ ST. Mary’s L. J.
: 575~
Paula A Franzese
/ 2005
/ Privatization and its Discontents: Common Interest Communities and the Rise of Government for ‘The Nice’
/ Urb. Law.
: 335~
Paul McCarthy
/ 1973
/ The enforcement of Restrictive Covenants in France and Belgium: Judicial Discretion and Urban Planning
/ Colum. L. Rev.
: 48~50
Richard A. Epstein
/ 1988
/ Covenants and Constitutions
/ Cornell L. Rev.
: 919~924
Robert C. Ellickson
/ 1973
/ Alternatives Zoning: Covenants, Nuisance Rules and Fines as Land Use Controls
/ U. Chi. L. Rev.
: 681~
Robert Ellickson
/ 2000
/ Land Use Controls
: 650~
Robert H. Nelson
/ 1999
/ Privatization the Neighborhood: A Proposal to Replace Zoning in the Private Collective Property Right, Existing Neighborhoods
/ Geo. Mason L. Rev.
: 827~
Robert R. Wright
/ 2000
/ Land Use
: 39~40
Robert R. Wright
/ 1997
/ Cases and Materials-On Land Use
: 155~156
Roger Bernhardt
/ 2005
/ Real Property
: 213~
Susan F. French
/ 1982
/ Toward A Modern Law of Servitude: Reweaving The Ancient Strands
/ S. Cal. L. Rev.
: 1261~
Thomas E. Roberts
/ 1987
/ Private Land Use Controls: Enforcement Problems with Real Covenants and Equitable Servitudes in North Carolina
/ Wake Forest L. Rev.
: 749~
Valerie Jaffee
/ 2007
/ Private Law or Social Norms? The Use of Restrictive Covenants in Beaver Hills
/ Yale L. J.
: 1302~
Wilford Lundberg
/ 1973
/ Restrictive Covenan, and Land Use Control: Private Zoning
/ Mont. L. Rev.
: 199~
/ 1953
/ Abrams v. Shuger, 336 Mich. 59, 57 N.W.2d 445, 446
: ~
/ 1938
/ Allen v. Avondale Co., 135 Fla. 6, 185 So. 137, 138
: ~
/ 2003
/ Barner v. Chappell, 266 Va. 277, 585 S.E.2d 590
/ 1935
/ Barton v. Moline Properties, Inc., 121 Fla. 683, 164 So. 551, 556
: ~
/ 1966
/ Bates Mfg. Co. v. Franklin Co., 218 A.2d 366, 368
/ 1958
/ Bluett v. County of Cook, 153 N.E.2d 305, 306-307 (Ill. lst Dist App. Ct. 1958)
/ 1987
/ Bonanza, Inc., v. McLean, 242 Kan. 209, 747 P.2d 792, 797
: ~
/ 1963
/ Brideau v. Grissom, 369 Mich. 661, 120 N.W.2d 829, 832
: ~
/ 1932
/ Burgess v. Magarian, 214 Iowa 694, 243 N.W. 356, 358
: ~
/ 1983
/ Burnett v. Heckelman, 456 N.E.2d 1094, 1097 (Ind. 1st Dist. Ct. App. 1983)
/ 1973
/ City of Gatesville v. Powell, 500 S.W.2d 581, 583 (Tex. 10th. Dist. Civ. App. 1973)
/ 1968
/ Clintwood Manor, Inc. v. Adams, 287 N.Y.S.2d 235 (N.Y. App. Div. 1968)
/ 1976
/ Cogliano v. Lyman, 370 Mass. 508, 348 N.E.2d 765 (1976)
/ 1957
/ Cooper v. Kovan, 349 Mich. 520, 84 N.W.2d 859, 865
: ~
/ 1929
/ Crawford v. Senosky, 128 Or. 229, 274 P. 306, 308
: ~
/ 1979
/ Cunningham v. Hiles, 395 N.E.2d 851, 854(Ind. Ct. App. 1979)
/ 2006
/ Cupola Golf Course. Inc. v. Dooley. 179 Vt 427, 898 A.2d 134 (2006)
/ 1930
/ Dolan v. Brown, 338 III. 412, 170 N.E. 425, 428 (1930)
: ~
/ 1927
/ Green v. Jones, 135 A. 802, 802 (N.J. 1927)
/ 1966
/ Grubel v. MacLaughlin, 286 F.Supp. 24 (D.V.I. 1966)
/ 1934
/ Heitkemper v. Schemeer, 146 Or. 304, 29 P.2d 540, 544 (1934)
: ~
/ 1959
/ Hirsch v. Hancock, 343 P.2d 959 (Cal. 2d. Dist. Ct. App. 1959)
/ 1956
/ Hisle v. Sambrook, 346 Mich. 680, 78 N.W.2d 649, 651 (1956)
: ~
Hurd v. Hodge. 334 U. S. 24
/ 1948
/ Hurd v. Hodge. 334 U.S. 24,68 S.Ct 847, 852-853 (1948)
/ 68 S. Ct
: 852~853
/ 2003
/ Hutchens v. Bella Vista Village Property Owners’ Ass’n, 110 S.W.3d 325, 329(Ark. Ct. App. 2003)
/ 1958
/ Hysinger v. Mullinax, 204 Tenn. 181, 319 S.W.2d 79
/ 1933
/ Jenney v. Hynes, 282 Mass. 182, 184 N.E. 444, 448
: ~
/ 1995
/ Kalenka v. Taylor, 896 P.2d 222, 227(Alaska. 1995)
/ 1926
/ Kramer v. Nelson, 189 Wis. 560, 208 N.W. 252, 254
: ~
/ 1961
/ Lebo v. Johnson, 349 S.W.2d 744, 751-572 (Tex. Civ. App. 1961)
/ 1927
/ Ludgate v. Somerville, 121 Or. 643, 256 P. 1043, 1045
: ~
/ 1969
/ Mason v. Farmer, 80 N.M. 354, 456 P.2d 187, 193
: ~
/ 1971
/ Maurer v. J.C. Nichols Co., 207 Kan. 315, 485 P.2d 174, 177
: ~
/ 1961
/ Morgan v. Matheson, 362 Mich. 535, 107 N.W.2d 825, 828
: ~
/ 1960
/ Myers v. Smith, 171 N.E.2d 744, 746 (Ohio 9th. dist. Ct. App. 1960)
/ 1931
/ Nelson v. Town of Belmotn 274 Mass. 35, 174 N.E. 320, 324
: ~
/ 1971
/ Oak Ridge Builders, Inc. v. Bryant, 252 So.2d 169, 172 (La. 3d. Cir. Ct. App. 1971), writ denied 259 La. 945, 253 So.2d 384 (1971)
/ 1962
/ Olivier v. Berggren, 136 So.2d 325 (La. 4th. Cir. Ct. App. 1962)
/ Owens v. Cornfield, 614 S.W.2d 698 (Ark. Ct. App. 1981)
/ 1932
/ Phillips v. Lawler, 259 Mich. 567, 244 N.W. 165, 166 (1932)
: ~
/ 1926
/ Pumo v. Mayor and Council of Fort. Lee, 134 A. 122, 122 (N.J. 1926)
/ 1975
/ Ridge Park Home Owners v. Pena, 88 N.M. 563, 544 P.2d 278, 279 (1975)
: ~
/ 2004
/ River Heights Assocs. v. Batten, 267 Va. 262, 591 S.E.2d 683, 689-690 (2004)
: ~
/ 1982
/ Rofe v. Robinson, 415 Mich. 345, 329 N.W.2d 704, 707. 708 (1982)
: ~
/ 1990
/ Rogers v. City of Jerseyville, 552 N.E.2d 1314, 1318 (Ill, 4th. Dist Ct. App. 1990).
/ 1981
/ Singleterry v. Albuquerque, 96 N.M. 468, 632 P.2d 345, 347 (1981)
: ~
/ 1976
/ South Shore Homes Ass’n. v. Holland Holiday’s, 219 Kan. 744, 549 P.2d 1035, 1044 (1976)
: ~
/ 1975
/ St. Luke’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Country Homes v. Hales. 534 P.2d 1379, 1381 (Wash. Ct. App. 1975)
/ 1928
/ Township of Maplewood v. Margolis, 141 A. 564, 565 (N.J. Ch. 1928)
/ 1926
/ Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365, 47 S.Ct. 114, 71 L.Ed. 303 (1926)
/ 1926
/ Vorenberg v. Bunnell, 257 Mass. 399, 153 N.E. 884, 887 (1926)
: ~
/ 1957
/ Wahrendorff v. Moore, 93 So.2d 720, 722 (Fla 1957)
/ 2003
/ Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Ingles Mkts., Inc., 581 S.E.2d 111, 116 (N.C. Ct. App. 2003)
/ 1969
/ West Hill Baptist Church v. Abbate, 261 N.E.2d 196, 200 (Ohio Ct. Com. Pl Summit County 1969)
/ 2007
/ Yeremiah 29:11, Inc. v. Seifert. 284 Kan. 468. 161 P.3d 750. 753 (2007)
: ~