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2018, Vol.6, No.4

An Examination of the System for Confirmation of Facts in US Civil Litigation Procedure focusing on the Comparison with Free Valuation of Evidence and Adversary System
Jongho Kim | 2018, 6(4) | pp.9~55 | number of Cited : 3
As a dual structure of land use regulation in the United States, the adjustment theory of covenants attached to real property rights
Kim, Sang-Jin | 2018, 6(4) | pp.57~106 | number of Cited : 0
A Contemplation on Japanese Judiciary Interpretor on Foreign Criminal Cases
An,Sung-Hoon , Yoon Hyun-seok | 2018, 6(4) | pp.107~123 | number of Cited : 1
The Restorative Policing in Belgium - focused on Practices in Flanders -
MoonKwi KIM | 2018, 6(4) | pp.125~147 | number of Cited : 5
A Study on the Method of Modern Redistribution based upon Constitutional basic rights: focusing on the equality of opportunity
Hwang Jung Hoon | 2018, 6(4) | pp.151~183 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on the principles of investigation related to the Constitution
Kim, Yoon Hong | 2018, 6(4) | pp.185~213 | number of Cited : 2
Study of Criminal Law on the Conscientious Objection
Lim Jonghui | 2018, 6(4) | pp.215~233 | number of Cited : 1
A study on the procedure for the repayment of deposits through leasehold registration orders
김정태 | 2018, 6(4) | pp.235~254 | number of Cited : 7
A Study on Injunctions as an Effect of Tort
Yeon Hwa Jun | 2018, 6(4) | pp.255~276 | number of Cited : 3
A Study on the Legislation of Multi-cultural Family in Demolition
정문성 , 김재국 | 2018, 6(4) | pp.277~294 | number of Cited : 0