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2016, Vol., No.99

The Realization of Korean Adverbials - Focusing on ‘adjectival stem+ke’ and ‘adjectival root+i’ -
BAK, JAEHEE | 2016, (99) | pp.7~31 | number of Cited : 1
Traces of the Gobayashi Hideo in Korean Linguistics
Seo, Min-jeong | 2016, (99) | pp.33~58 | number of Cited : 4
A study on Korean history of 'n' insertion
Jeong Yun Ja | 2016, (99) | pp.59~82 | number of Cited : 0
The character type of Anssimangin and inserted story appeard in <Shimcheongjeon>
Kyung, Il-Nam | 2016, (99) | pp.83~104 | number of Cited : 2
A study on new Gasa works with reference to Kimhae Hur’s <Mangwunga> and Hyeonpung Kwak’s <Bugyeo>
SA WHAE, KOO , Jae-Yeon Park | 2016, (99) | pp.105~126 | number of Cited : 2
Ways of Raising Opinion and World View of Right Obligations of a Wise Man in 'Wonga'
KIM HYUNHWA | 2016, (99) | pp.127~152 | number of Cited : 0
British Diplomat in Korea, James Scott’s Theory of ‘the Origin of Hunminjeongeum( 訓民正音) and Manyeonsabon Jineonjip(萬淵寺本 眞言集)
Lee Sang-Hyun | 2016, (99) | pp.153~186 | number of Cited : 5
The Time and the View of History in the Television Genre Drama <Signal>
Ko Seon Hee | 2016, (99) | pp.187~209 | number of Cited : 9
The meaning of the Road in the poem of Yoon Gongang
KyoShik Kim | 2016, (99) | pp.211~236 | number of Cited : 2
Groping for humanity by NeoidealismRevolved around Park Younghee's the Artificial Laborers
Kim, Sang-mo | 2016, (99) | pp.237~263 | number of Cited : 1
A study to associate Literature Studies with Literary Map - centered on Daejeon, Chungnam region Literature -
Kim Hyeon Jung | 2016, (99) | pp.265~288 | number of Cited : 2
Buddhistic thoughts implied in The Stone Cave Boy and ‘After’ Maninbo
Park, Jong-Deok | 2016, (99) | pp.289~312 | number of Cited : 1
Rejection and Pursuit of Selfconsciousness and Consciousness in Lee Sang's Essays - focusing on Women, Boredom and Social group Ou
Ou Young-rock | 2016, (99) | pp.313~340 | number of Cited : 0
Knowledge structuring and Hypertext
Lee Yong Wook | 2016, (99) | pp.341~360 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Truth of Mooks in Gwangju Area in the 1980s
im si hyeun | 2016, (99) | pp.361~385 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on ‘the children & Adolescence fictions’ of Cho, seonJag and Choi, InHo - About the focalization of the type and the meaning -
채희윤 | 2016, (99) | pp.387~422 | number of Cited : 1
Study of aspects that make up the subject of Lee, Bumsun ´s novel
Hong, Hye-weon | 2016, (99) | pp.423~449 | number of Cited : 0
Study on the Korean Language Teachers’ Realization in Pronunciation Education
백소영 | 2016, (99) | pp.451~466 | number of Cited : 2
Sense investigation of the Korean wordinitial plain consonant by Japanese mother language learner - Issue of teaching the wordinitial plain consonant by voiceless sounds -
히라타 에미 | 2016, (99) | pp.467~490 | number of Cited : 0