Since the 2000s, a number of large parks have constructed in Korea. These large parks work like infrastructure in urban field. Then, how to design the large parks? As part of the answer to this question, this study proceeds that the following discussion. First, this study derives the three concepts as design issues of a large park: publicity, ecology, aesthetics. Through the large parks design, designers intend to restore and expand the value of the publicity of the park. And they intend to integrate the city and ecosystems. Besides, they overcome the limits of traditional aesthetics of the park. If so, how these design directions appear in the actual design? In order to do this, this study analyzes the design competition winners for the leading three large parks that occurred in Korea. These competitions are as following: Ttukseom Forest Park Design Competition(2003), International Design Competition for Central Open Space in Multi- functional Administrative City(2007), and International Competition for Master Plan of the Yongsan Park(2012). As a result, large parks suggest a new role to the space of parks. The large parks designs transformed a park to an operated and organic space. However some problems have found in designs, so designers should review it. In addition, due to a new strategy of large parks, the intrinsic function of the park is overlooked. So recovering the intrinsic function of the park is required.