This study attempts to analyze vitalizing CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) in the overseas construction sector. Construction industry seems to have low level of recognition for CSR. Because of its site-oriented characteristics, construction industry has faced serious problems in post management of CSR.
In order to further strengthen CSR, especially for medium and small construction firms, in the overseas construction market, this study tries to classify CSR activities, such as education, sanitation, public welfare, and disaster aid. For education, technical education is important and ex post facto management as well as construction are emphasized. For sanitation, constructing basic infrastructure and transferring operating techniques are important. For public welfare, constructing common workshop, road, facilities for electricity and underground water are emphasized.
Second, for keeping up effects of CSR, it is required to develop a post management system. Third, it is significant to make collaborating model with NGO or INGO. Also, public-private partnership related with public support or on-site network and partnership with international institutes such as UN & Multilateral Development Banks are important. Fourth, it is required to establish enterprise-wide promotion system for CSR. Finally, construction firms have to do more social works of CSR applying the characteristics of the construction industry.