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2023, Vol.92, No.3

A Study on the Audience of Joo-Won Song’s Virtual Reality Performance 「20▲△ (Twenty Triangle Triangle)」 - Focused on Jacques Rancière’s Emancipated Spectator Theory -
Park, YouNa | 2023, 92(3) | pp.1~15 | number of Cited : 0
A Study on Amateur Dance Theatre Based on Non-Dance - Focusing on the choreographic work of Xiao Ke and Song Xinxin -
Kong, Weiwei , Cho, Eun Sook | 2023, 92(3) | pp.17~31 | number of Cited : 0
Exploring the Possibilities of ‘Immersive Street Art’ through Performative Audience Participation
Park, Jindeok | 2023, 92(3) | pp.33~48 | number of Cited : 1
A Study of the Acceptance of Circus Body Language in the Dance Performance - Focused on Möbious by Rachid Ouramdane and Compagnie XY -
Soojeong Eo | 2023, 92(3) | pp.49~68 | number of Cited : 0
An Analysis of Determinants of Cultural Capital in Dance Art Viewing Consumption
lee heeyoung | 2023, 92(3) | pp.69~93 | number of Cited : 1
Preliminary Study on the Systematization of Korean Dance Choreography Education Contents - Choreographic Techne and Phronesis -
JooHee Jung , KIM, NA YE | 2023, 92(3) | pp.95~117 | number of Cited : 0
Dancer Wellness
Aeryung Hong | 2023, 92(3) | pp.119~121 | number of Cited : 0