Some Sugestions for the improvement of preservation and management of diplomatic recordsJeon, Hyun-SooMy sugestions in this paper come out of the review of the records on the Korean-Japanese negotiations(1952-1965). Before January 2002, the enforcement of the public records law, we had a poor management system of the diplomatic records. For a long time the diplomatic records of Korean government has not ben preserved and managed acording to the international and professional standards. So many important records have been probably lost and unsuitably classified, preserved for the future use.B y t h e c o m i n g o f p u b l i c r e c o r d s l a w t h i s d e p l o r a b l e s i t u a t i o n in the management of diplomatic records has been much improved. However the registration, classification, compilation, based on the principle of provenance w e r e n o t s o s u f i c i e n t l y r e a l i z e d . I t i s n o w v e r y u r g e n t t o e m ploy more archivists in the relevant governmental institutions and organizations, and to introduce the concept of record group for the management of diplomatic papers.Also at the preparatory work for the publication of the diplomatic papers it is strongly neded to make a rom for the participation of the civil experts 외교문서 관리제도의 개선 방향 231