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2013, Vol., No.36

A Comparative Study on the Development Strategies of Cultural Institutions
kwak geon hong | 2013, (36) | pp.3~33 | number of Cited : 6
Receipt of Official Documents after the Status Change of the Office of Crown Properties in The Great Han Empire
sung-joon park | 2013, (36) | pp.35~67 | number of Cited : 1
A Study on Developing Procedures of Archival Contents for Local History Education of Secondary Education in Busan
도윤지 | 2013, (36) | pp.69~119 | number of Cited : 7
History Education for Minority Group and the Archival Institutions in Britain
최재희 | 2013, (36) | pp.121~152 | number of Cited : 10
A Study on the Online Service of Oral History Archives
Kim Myoung-hun , 한지혜 | 2013, (36) | pp.153~193 | number of Cited : 9
A Study on Developing Archival Contents for Documenting Local Historical Characters
Hyun, Moonsoo , KIM,DONG-CHUL | 2013, (36) | pp.195~231 | number of Cited : 15
Implementing Space-based Networked Documentation for Donghae-Nambu Railway Areas in Busan Metropolitan City
Seol, Moon-won , 김정현 | 2013, (36) | pp.233~269 | number of Cited : 7