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2022, Vol., No.73

A Study on Admissibility Framework for Establishing Trust in Digital Records : Focused on the Development of the Trustworthiness Model for Public Digital Records
Hyun, Moonsoo | 2022, (73) | pp.5~46 | number of Cited : 2
A Study on the Characteristics of Non-Fungible Token(NFT) and Application Plans from the Digital Records Perspective : Focused on Transferable Records
Joohye Won , Hyeon-Gi So , Hyo-Jung Oh | 2022, (73) | pp.47~79 | number of Cited : 6
A Study on Improvement Plan for Record Management for Accountability of NGOs Based on Survey in Busan
Jeong, Sea | 2022, (73) | pp.81~123 | number of Cited : 0
Documentation Strategy of Missing Archives in BUMA Democratic Uprising : Focusing on MASAN Uprising
Choi, Gyu Myeong | 2022, (73) | pp.125~159 | number of Cited : 0
The Current Status of Arrangement and the Direction of Rearrangement of the Archives Relating to the Korean Provisional Assembly
Park, Dowon | 2022, (73) | pp.161~188 | number of Cited : 1
Blue, Cruel, Bloody of May 1980, Kept a diary
권도균 | 2022, (73) | pp.189~196 | number of Cited : 0