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A Study on the Work Process Analysis Methodology for Records Management

  • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
  • 2005, (12), pp.3-35
  • Publisher : Korean Society Of Archival Studies
  • Research Area : Interdisciplinary Studies > Library and Information Science

이소연·오명진 1




There have been growing interests in work process analysis methodology, ever since ISO 15489 and DIRKS were introduced to the Korean archival and records management community. It is because the methodology has been expected to provide with much needed information, with which records management programs could be designed. The information encompass from those needed in developing macro-organizational framework such as business classification schemes, to those essential to identify exact points of time, at which records management systems should capture records during each phase of business process. The Korean community, however, currently possesses a surprisingly scanty understanding of the methodology. The present paper aims to promote its understanding among Korean archivists and records managers, by reviewing an Australian standard of Work Process Analysis for Recordkeeping(AS 5090). It begins with drawing attention to the fact that the work process analysis is utilized in diverse areas, encompassing systems development, organizational re-engineering, and human resources management in business settings. When the methodology is implemented in records management settings, therefore, focus should be lied in finding out ways of creating and capturing records from the routine business activities. The paper then reviews the relationship among the three standards, AS 5090, DIRKS, and ISO 15489. Most parts of the paper are dedicated to review AS 5090 in detail, with examples. The paper also provides with output forms to be used to organize and represent results from the analysis.

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* References for papers published after 2023 are currently being built.