/ 2008
/ 기록관의 국가 · 사회적 역할-민족주의 · 초민족주의 와 집단적 기억을 중심으로-
/ 석사
/ 한국외국어대학교 대학원
Aleida Assmann
/ 2003
/ 기억의 공간
/ 경북대 출판부
Terry Cook
/ 2005
/ Remembering the Future: Appraisal of Records and the Role of Archives in Constructing Social Memory, in Archives, Documentations, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar
/ University of Michigan Press
Terry Cook
/ 1998
/ What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift
/ Archivaria
Terry Cook
/ 1992
/ The concept of the Archival Fonds: Theory, Description, and Provenance in the post-custodial era, in The Archival Fonds: From Theory to Practice
/ in The Archival Fonds:From Theory to Practice,ed.Terry Wastwood,Ottawa,BCA
Terry Cook
/ 1984
/ From Information to Knowledge: An Intellectual Paradigm for Archives
/ Archivaria
Jacques Derrida
/ 1996
/ Archives Fever: A Freudian Impression
/ University of Chicago Press
Drauwe Draaisma
/ 2006
/ 기억의 메타포
/ 에코리브르
Wendy Duff
/ 2002
/ Stories and Names: Archival Description as Narrating Records and Constructing Meanings
/ Archival Science
Wendy Duff
/ 1997
/ Advancing Archival Description: A Modelfor Rationalizing North American Descriptive Standards
/ Archives and Manuscripts
: 25~
Patrick Geary
/ 1994
/ Phantoms of Remembrance
/ Princeton
Patrick Geary
/ 2005
/ Medieval Archivists as Authors, Social Memory and Archival Memory, in Archives, Documentations, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar
/ of Michigan Press
Carolyn Hamilton
/ 1998
/ Refiguring the Archive
/ Kluwer Academic Public Publishers
Margaret Hedstrom
/ 2002
/ Archives,Memory,and Interfaces with the Past
/ Archival Science
/ 2001
/ 15489-1(국제표준화기 구의 국제 기록 관리 표준
Hilary Jenkinson
/ 1922
/ A Manual of Archival Administration
Harvey J. Kaye
/ 2004
/ 과거의 힘: 역사의식, 기억과 상상
/ 삼인
Eric Ketelaar
/ 1999
/ Archivalization and Archiving
/ ,Archives and Manuscripts
Eric Ketelaar
/ 2001
/ Tacit Narratives:The Meaning of Archives
/ Archival Science
/ 1998
/ 지나간 미래
/ 문학동네
/ 2006
/ 과거는 낯선 나라다
/ 개마고원
Michelle Light
/ 2002
/ Colophons and Annotations: New Directions for the Finding Aids
/ The American Archivist
Heather MacNeil
/ 2005
/ Picking our Text:: Archival Description, Authenticity, and the Archivist as Editor
/ The American Archivist
Tom Nesmith
/ 1999
/ Still Fuzzy, but More Accurate: Some Thoughts on the "Ghosts" of Archival Theory
/ Archivaria
Walter J. Ong
/ 2009
/ 구술문화와 문자문화
/ 문예출판사
Trudy H. Peterson
/ 2001
/ 민족주의와 국립기록보존소에 관한 불쾌한 진실
/ 기록학연구
Christopher J. Prom
/ 2010
/ Optimum Access? Processing in College and University Archives
/ American Archivist
Don Tapscott
/ 2007
/ 위키노믹스
/ 21세기 북스
Cass R. Sunstein
/ 2009
/ 왜 사회에는 이견이 필요한가
/ 후마니타스
John Schwartz
/ 2002
/ Archives,Records,and Power:The Making of Modern Memory
/ Archival Science
Richard Stapleton
/ 1983
/ Jenkinson and Schellenberg: A Comparison
/ Archivaria
Howard Zinn
/ 1997
/ Secrecy, Archives, and Public Interest, in The Howard Zinn Reader
/ Seven Stories Press